He has the most contagious form of holy fucking stupid in the history of humankind. Doubt this at your own peril. Here in Florida we have had a handful of cases, but no one seems to be freaking out yet. I'm quite grateful for this.
Confirmed case back in Nashville. Again, glad I moved! My comment about being in the middle of the country was more about population than it was geography. Interesting to see if the amount of tornado relief efforts bringing people together has any bearing on possible spread.
FEMA's standing up a response to this, although no one can coherently explain what we're supposed to do yet. We're being told to come up with an "infection plan" for our staff, in case there's a case in the building. So far, it consists of "work remote" and "stop coughing on me, Brian". It would seem this is going to be an ordeal. Oh, bother.
You work in an office with 25 employees. 2 of them are out sick with the (regular) flu. What do you do? Your child goes to public high school with 500 students. 17 kids, 2 teachers and 1 admin are out with the flu. What do you do? I still don't fully understand the panic surrounding Corona virus. I am not trying to be stubborn, and I am not saying there shouldn't be cause for concern. I just literally don't know what the concern is.
I asked a friend this who is not a research doctor, but just a general practitioner, what his thoughts were. He said stuff like this gets concerning when it’s new, fast spreading and the epidemiology isn’t fully mapped. They just don’t know enough about it yet to say, “yeah not a huge deal.” Some people may have been reinfected, they may have already found a mutation of it, etc.
The Trump administration is on the verge of making it's first decision about coronavirus that actually concerns me (not that he hasn't done a few stupid things already, I just don't know that they've been that damaging up to this point). They are looking into combating a possible global recession with targeted tax cuts. Ok, at this moment in time a full scale global recession isn't very likely, but if the pandemic reaches that point you're fucked. There is no cute fiscal policy that is going to fix that. Not even close. Even attempting this is of extremely dubious value, let alone well before the global economy appears to be heading that direction. If the economy goes over the edge, and you really are looking at a ubiquitous outbreak, you need to start looking at a ration based economy, isolation zones, strictly controlled distribution systems - things like that. Targeted tax breaks for nike? Fuck right off. The other reason this concerns me is that there is a very real possibility that some corporations are just using this as an excuse to exploit their stupidity and get a few hand outs.
We have a case in Vegas now. (What a HUGE surprise.) Crazy is properly alarmed. Dude is vibrating like a 110 watt drill plugged into a 220 socket. This will be fun.
We have a case semi local to me in our county. Hubs works for a big corporation and the powers that be are calling for certain policies to deal with the coronavirus, but they clash with other policies at play. Hopefully they get this shit worked out soon. I read somewhere that generally coronaviruses have features that limit their mutations. If this novel coronavirus is like some of the others, then it too will be less likely to mutate which will be helpful if/when a vaccine is created. But like you say, they don't know enough about the current one to say that for sure, that is just info about cousin viruses.
They've already discovered 2 separate strains in Japan. The case reported last week where someone caught it twice was actually a case of the dude catching the second strain for the first time (after suffering through the first strain). https://globalnews.ca/news/6634604/coronavirus-two-strains/
Asian-Americans are buying a shit load of guns because people just suck Dead god. This is sad. There's also been a massive shortage of ammo, because... the apocalypse is coming? I don't know.
Can't find the yahoo article as it seems to have been scrubbed but South Korea has ramped up blanket testing, not just bad enough to go to the hospital testing, and out of 6500 confirmed cases of the disease so far with 40 deaths. Less than 1 percent. Kind of confirming the infectious disease doctors who've been saying the fatality rate would even out as more of the general population is tested. But don't let that stop you from pouring through the screeching headlines and some good old fashion Trump bashing. Sky news article with some details.
Microsoft is now instituting a “work from home” policy and have shut down their campus. As of Monday all of my company’s employees are working from home as well.
What a shitshow. 2 guys got it at a different company like 300 miles away, but since we have people who may have visited there, everyone is having a cow. Apparently that building looks like the house at the end of ET right now. Look - this thing is probably like roaches. If you see 2, there are probably 200 you don't see. Dispatching the CDC SWAT team equivalent for every case is gonna be possible for...what, another day and a half? Nobody has any idea how this thing is going to evolve or what the CDC is going to recommend tomorrow so everyone is up everyone else's ass about how we can instantaneously support like 10X the number of people working from home as we usually have. Amazingly, we should theoretically be able to do it. Will it actually work? Who the fuck knows? Here's a better idea: let's just shut down the country for a couple weeks and give everybody the time off. People could use the break, you know? Catch up on your reading list? Re-introduce yourself to your children? Finally catch up on Daredevil on Netflix?
Did you misspell Narcos: Mexico? In other news, despite a really promising Season 1, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is officially declared a bust. The writers lost track of what made Season 1 good.
I hate to break it to you, but that won't take as long as you hope. Despite it being really good - despite Punisher being even better - they both got canceled.
Already caught up on Narcos: Mexico. Priorities, man, priorities. It's like "I should finally watch season 3 of Daredev...oh shit there's a new Narcos season out? Nevermind."
"They would like to have the people come off,” Trump said of the health officials. The president continued, “I would like to have the people stay. I told them to make the final decision. I would rather because I like the numbers being where they are. I don’t need to have the numbers double" because of one ship that wasn’t our fault. And it wasn’t the fault of the people on the ship either. OK? It wasn’t their fault, either. And they are mostly Americans. So, I can live either way with it.” lol