Mildly crept out by a woman who works in my building. It's as though she wakes up in the morning and decides that it's OK that her appearance hasn't changed much since 1983. Teased bangs that must endure a quarter of a can of hair spray daily. Entirely too much blue eye shadow. Add to that some leathery skin and some hideous yellow choppers. She's just so very unpleasant to have to look at.
I can do you one better. I'm pretty crept out by the lady who works at my office who, I kid you blue. I don't know what is going on there, but her skin has a sickly blue tone to it. Add to that her affinity for Looney Toones t-shirts 4-5 sizes to big and I can barely stand to be around her. my desk used to be right across from her office, next to the copy machine she used constantly. Thank God I moved to another cubicle.
I take it you haven't seen many nude over 70 year olds. Plus, it is not like they just are changing clothes, but they just stand around for a long time. It's like they are showing off their gravity affected nuts.
I agree with everything but that little part. You would be amazed at the amount of food that fucking peanut takes from you, and to stay on topic, the fact that the little peanut in a pregnant woman's vag sucks all the nutrition out of them creeps me out.
I wonder if she believes in alternative medicine. Your story reminds me of a woman who's skin was tinged blue from developing argyria, as a result of the large amounts of colloidal silver she was taking as per her Aryuveda practitioner's instructions. She was on the radio warning listeners that 'allopathic' ie sane medicine was poisoning people. As soon as she left the DJ described her appearance and what was causing it. Focus: Cosmetic prosthetics. Is this just a weird phobia of mine? I don't like boxes of stick on nails, and I almost flinch at watching someone take those off. A girl who sat behind me in one of my morning classes always had these on her desk: They would... stare at me from her desk, either as hideous dead caterpillar or as the lashes of disembodied invisible eyes. During class she would put them on, and she had the eerie ability to not blink at all as she was doing this (I still have to forcibly hold my eyes open as I put my contacts in.) Come to think of it... I don't recall ever seeing her blinking. Shudder. Interestingly, larger prosthetics, arms and legs etc, don't bother me at all.
THIS theme song (I hear it a lot nowadays because it seems the band Muse likes throwing into a lot of their songs and not admitting it). It still turns my spine into glass.
Two things that creep me out and give me goosebumps every fucking time. Zelda- <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... dahaha.jpg</a> Rev. Kane- <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> God I can't believe I just did that to myself.
People who overshare. A certain amount of relationship building should take place before I know the most intimate details of your sex life/health problems/marital concerns. The fact that I am in health care makes these even more prevalent. And the anonymity of the internet contributes to this too off course. I can't be the only one who reads certain posts that make then squirm. I don't mind sharing sometimes, but the level of detail some people provide can be appalling.
This is fucking creepy. Watch that if you dare, and tell me that the sound of his mouth opening and closing doesn't make you shudder. Edit: I just tried the link, and it doesn't open on the right post on the page. I'm talking about skyello's video near the bottom. Focus: Blackheads, and the people who obliviously walk around with those little pieces of body waste jammed in their skin. The worst offenders are old men. Some of them have so many huge blackheads that it has altered the shape of their noses and the texture of their skin. It's like they were attacked with pencils, and the leads broke off and stayed stuck in their skin. Whenever I see anyone with blackheads, I just wish I could hypnotize them and send them to the nearest mirror to remove them.
Pomegranates. I don't know why, but just seeing one makes my skin crawl. They almost look like little alien egg pods or something.
Big spiders give me the willies for some reason. I've never had one bite me, and I'm not phobic of them (I'll pick the little ones to escort them out), but an involuntary shudder runs down my spine when I see a big fat hairy spider. Just yesterday I took a quick dip in the lake to cool off and upon swimming back to the dock noticed a water spider whose leg span was probably close to 3" with fangs I could see from about a foot and a half away. Last fall we came across the biggest in-the-wild spider I've ever seen. The thing was so big we could hear it walk thru the dry leaves.
The ubiquitous rock climber "pants bulge. If you don't know, when a climber puts on their harness it accentuates the crotchal region, making it look like every dude has a huge set of cock and balls. Think Ben Stiller's character in Dodgeball.
Something else I've been noticing more and more that just looks creepy: Guys wearing white-frame sunglasses. I'm sure there are a few guys here that don them, and I'll probably catch some shit for this, but it just looks creepy to me.
Creepy is that guy who takes pictures in a strip club. Actually, creepy is people who are alone in strip clubs. But how greasy does a person have to be to start taking pictures.
Fucking mold. I'm not talking a slight blue tint to a slice of bread. I'm talking full on furry, hairy mold. Just this morning I went to reach for a bowl of previously sliced tomatoes and lettuce for my sandwich, and was rudely surprised by a carpet of mold on the previously moist tomato slices. I pulled my hand away like it was dangerously close to a wood chipper. Shit's nasty. The rest of the day after one of these encounters leaves me weary and distrusting of any surface that resembles that texture (e.g. car seats, felt, coarse fleece).
This was mentioned earlier but I have brought photographic evidence of the creepiosity: Spoiler It just gives me the goram willies to even look at it. Anything with more than two eyes and a bunch of hair? Ew. Fucking Ew man. I was once in a girls bathroom who called me out of the next room to wrangle a spider and get him outside. The spider was crawling across a porcelain tub and it fucking CHITTERED as it moved. Chittered is the only word I can even use to describe the sound. It was as if the thing had on high heels and clip clopped across the tub in a fast paced highly organized symphony of fucktastic EW. Gives me the heebs just thinking about the sound. The sound of women's voices who have smoked long enough to mimic the effect of testosterone in their vocal chords Hammer toes. Sunken in eyes on women.