When I talk to family and they no longer ask me about my aspirations anymore, they always use to ask what I wanted to do, where I wanted to etc... Now they just ask if I'm at the same company and nod their heads, they no longer view me as the young pup figuring out the real world, I'm the seasoned veteran who needs to shut up and just do his job.
A couple halloweens ago I got incredibly tanked, ended up blacking out and found a public intoxication ticket in my jacket pocked that I have no recollection of receiving. What I do remember was doing a bunch of shots at the bar when a girl I was partying with, 21 at the time, told me I should slow down. I responded with "Lady, I got SEVEN years on ya! I think I know how to handle this shit.". Apparently, shortly before I got separated from our group (perhaps I was ditched? Ya, perhaps...), I tripped and took her down with me. That made me feel old. Did I say old? I meant stupid.
1989? Started my last year of college and broke up with my fiance'. My first oh shit moment came when i went back to mt college bookstore to get a new textbook that i wanted for my own use at home. Standing on line I realized that most of the girls I was ogling were literally half my age. That was about 10 years ago. Fuck you guys.
I'll preface this by saying that I had no idea some of you guys were so fucking old. I'm a piano teacher part-time. One of my students was getting really bored with the regular lessons, so I suggested we play some Disney stuff - what kid doesn't like Disney? She asked me to name some song options and I rattled off a bunch of tunes from the last Disney movie I saw - The Lion King. She looked at me and said "That movie came out before I was born. So did The Lion King 2. You're really old." Thanks, kid. Thanks a fucking lot.
About two years ago I went to a college bar that was popular near campus. It was the first week of classes for them, meaning they moved in Wednesday and didn't go to class until Monday. The bar was 18 and up so it was crammed packed with Freshman. I felt so old because as hot and attractive as the girls were their youth energy they hadn't gotten out of them yet, trying very hard though by drinking Natty Lights and rubbing the Xs off their hands. I just couldn't handle the rampant loud idiocy on display. I felt like a codger longing for a yard to keep tidy and to shoe kids off of about the third time a drunk ass teenager fell into me. I get reminded regularly at work how old I feel. I work with a majority of people that can recall childhood stories of prohibition. Yet there are a few people who have kids my age and the fact I am on my first "real job" which everyone knows that I must have really fucked around in college if this is all I could manage at 28. Makes me feel old and not really gotten my shit together by now.
I feel old when people younger than me begin telling me their problems and I just want to stop them and finish the story for them because I've seen it play out a thousand times and this is their first time and they think they are some sort of unique snowflake. I feel old that I no longer want to give advice or help people through things unsolicited. If you want my help, I'll tell you what I think but unless I think you're actually worth my time I wont delve too deep. I feel old in how much I'm willing to invest my time in anything that isn't a pursuit for myself or someone closely tied to me. Its just too valuable to me now. I feel old when the idea of a quiet place with a neighbors too far away from me for a yell to be anything other than barely audible background noise, a garden where I grow veg and a gun to ward off anyone I don't want in my space makes me as happy as I used to get at the idea of going out and looking for randoms and getting as shit faced as possible...
I swear in college they need to have lessons much like they have in middle school about puberty, but about how your body is going to start changing now that you are an adult. Once I hit 23 I noticed my metabolism was already not quite what it should be, so I upped my exercise and cut down on my food intake and have been steady. However the exception of one friend who is a freak of nature, and a friend who went to the peace corps, all of them have gained a good amount of weight. Looking at some facebook pictures, the difference is astounding. People who were rail thin porked up, including a friend who said he could never gain weight who now looks like he has gone from 179 to about 250.
This is a great observation. The realization that giving advice is 99% useless energy, and that's even when solicited, is definitely a hallmark of growing up.
Back on subject, does anyone have deviant pictures of dakota? I actually like being 25, I'm stronger, smarter, and more confident than I ever was at 18. Supposedly men don't peak till we're 30 so I've got another five years of feeling better about myself every day. Sorry women, must suck to know that you'll never be as hot as you were yesterday.
Anti-Focus: I'll be 21 in a month. You guys are making me feel young. Alright, alright, I'll go back to the whippersnapper table while you guys talk about adult things. Sheesh.
No shit. Alt-focus: I'm 22 and most people guess my age to be 3-7 years older than that, and it baffles the hell outta me. Granted, I stopped drinking plastic bottle vodka and thinking random makeouts were cool a couple years ago, but even people that have spent weeks working for me thought I was near 30. Nothing to make you feel young like the "Oh you're just 22? You're still a puppy!" reactions I get.
Just yesterday I was talking with a customer about delivering to an old dealer of ours down the road from him. The guy died10-12 years ago. I realized I had been pulling trailers since I got my license, 18 years ago. Couple that with talking about something that I thought happened around 10 years ago but was actually 20 and I feel like I'm getting older. I swear I'm ONLY 34. I usually don't feel old or act my age, whatever that means, but that was depressing.
I'm 24 and look like I'm 16. It's annoying getting carded for booze/tobacco every time I've ever bought either of them, but I hear it pays off when I'm 35 and look like I'm in my 20s. I will also fully admit I came into this thread looking for at least one post containing a countdown to when Fanning is going to do Playboy, even if she's not the greatest looking thing in the world.
Dubstep. I don't listen to a lot of hip hop or country. But I at least understand the appeal of those genres and I can put into words what it is about them that doesn't appeal to me. But Dubstep just makes me feel like a cranky old man who wants the noise to stop. It's the first music that ever made me think-- it's not that I don't like it, I just thoroughly don't get it.
I feel old when I am doing a home loan for someone who was born the year I graduated from high school (1991).
I remember when we first bought our house, my wife and I were both 23 at the time and for a few months we could tell all the neighbors (many of which at the time were senoirs age) looked at us like they were trying to figure out when the hell our parents were going to come home.
Hilarious. And accurate, I look on Facebook and am astounded by kids I went to HS and even college with and how they have ballooned. And its not even becoming slovenly, its just enough that you can tell they don't take care of themselves as well as they should and have lost alot of their facial definition. FOCUS: Having younger siblings will do it to you in a HURRY. When I left for college, my little sisters were 7,9, and 15. The oldest kind of grew with me, just graduated and moved to Chicago and I now live in the same city and hang out with her, which is cool and took a bit of getting used to. But the younger pair, wow. I mean, I remember leaving for college and they were still little kids. I mean, mock me all you want, but remembering the feeling of leaving them and knowing I would miss a large chunk of them growing up when I was at school still tears me up. But now they are a few months from the youngest getting her license and the middle one graduating HS. Thats not sad as much as it is terrifying. I mean, my other sister and I still refer to them as "the little girls" to my parents and such. My best friend from HS hadnt seen them in awhile and basically freaked out seeing family pictures cause they were still 8-10 yr old in his mind. I think the other thing is seeing cars I remember as being pretty cool, even in the late 90s, not being on the road and looking antiquated as fuck.
Facebook makes me feel old. All my friends from high school who got knocked up, some of their babies are 9-10 now. I read a post from a classmate talking about a college/wedding fund (for a fucking 8 year old, but still) and nearly shit dust. When did my friends get to be old and responsible decision-makers? What the crotchety, cataract-eyed fuck? I remember a specific day when I noticed all of my friends on Facebook were talking about work and not about school anymore. I hated that day. My girlfriend has a 13 year old brother. He's a genuinely good kid, and I get along well with him, but God damn some of the things he says/does make me feel far more than twice his age. For him, there was no such thing as Halo, he thinks LMFAO is better "techno" than Tiesto, and he earnestly tried to explain to me the concept of "the drop" in dubstep. The worst part is watching him talk to girls (especially on facebook) because they are so young and trashy about it: there's no skill or grace at all like Jersey Shore on bear-sized doses of Rohypnol. I know WHY it's like that, I know I was the exact same way, but I can't remember how bad it must have looked to someone else, which makes me feel old and decrepit.