He speaks the truth. I don't know the price comparison, but gas, just like virtually everything, is much cheaper in America. Always.
In November, I was lucky enough to land a new job that cut my daily round trip from 28 miles to 5. Plus, I don't have to pay tolls anymore!
I pay $1.53 per litre for Premium Unleaded, Fuck you all. Tasmania is a long way away from the oil fields though, I still think its fairly impressive to be able to supply the stuff as cheaply as they do.
My round trip consists of the walk from my bed to the second half of my master bedroom, so I don't really feel most of your pain. I do, however, lament the fact that it's going to cost me more than ever if I want to go out and do anything. You know, like, with real living people who aren't retirement age like the fine folks in my condo complex. At least I have a fucking pool.
There will be a certain price fuel reaches that overcomes the clout OPEC has on Washington. Maybe even a civil revolution of sorts.
I have a 50 mile round trip commute for school and I know two guys just in my classes that have 125+ mile round trip commutes. It's crazy spending this amount on gas and not making much or even any money at the moment.
Just to pick nits a bit, I actually pay less for diesel than gas, by a fair margin. I filled my truck up this afternoon at 1.11 a litre, while regular (87 octane) was 1.24 or so. 94 octane was 1.49. A lot of the fluctuations you see between provinces are due to taxes added on the cost. I live just outside of Vancouver's taxation area, so we have way cheaper gas. Still, for all the prices I've seen here in Vancouver, diesel has been cheaper than regular. For now. Still costs me $130 to fill up. Seeing as credit cards only pre-auth to $100 limits, I feel kind of bad when I go in for the 2nd swipe, and see the life drain out of the face of the guy behind me, as he thought I was done and it was finally his turn. Luckily, I don't commute these days, and only hop out for errands occasionally throughout the week, so the price of gas isn't really that big of a deal to me right now. Now, when racing season starts up, and I get to go buy barrels of race gas, I'll probably break down in tears.
We get screwed on diesel here, because our price is pegged to the Singapore distributor price because of our regional market. And then it, and petrol, are taxed to shit. Plus our flow on is huge. Pretty much anything that needs to get anywhere, especially regional, is sent by truck. So, add the high fuel cost to the cost of the goods too.
I remember the days when I first got my license. Sam's Club was having a gas price war with Meijers Supermarket over a penny. Sam's was lower at 88 cents a gallon over Meijers 89 cents a gallon. One gas station at the time had it for 69 cents. I of coarse didnt have a car of my own and was only driving my moms car to and from work mostly and never needed to fill it up. One of my brothers many hobbies is as a semi hyper milager with his CRX. He got a High Fuel economy version and added lower weight shit too it. We did north of 55 MPG on a trip too Austin last year. It was even filled with his guitar amps. Fucka fucking Prius.
Get a motorbike. 10 dollars gives me 150km on my 2 stroke 125cc Italian race bike. Not exactly suited for daily commutes to work, as opposed to a Japanese road bike, but it works. And the oh shit I'm going to die and loss in practicality factors are more than offset by traffic jams and parking never being an issue. Instead of silently mouthing 'fuck you fags' to the bikes filtering by while you're sitting on the highway, be one of them. Only, I haven't ridden mine for like 4 months on account of waiting for parts to arrive from overseas so I can do an engine rebuild. Oops. But that's my fault for getting an Italian bike.
Must be nice. But down here in Ontario diesel is always 10 cents more per litre then gasoline. I usually fill up anywhere between Hamilton and Kitchener and its always a $155 fill up from the fuel light. And because I drive a Duramax opposed to your Cummins I only get 650-700kms ish per tank. What are you getting with your Cummins, 900 kms per fill up?
In the UK at the moment, using average prices from this website we have diesel at 2.21 USD per litre. Luckily I live in London at the moment and can use public transport or my feet to move myself about.
same here. 1,70 euro / liter for gasoline (2,36 $ / liter or 9,44 $ per gallon.) 1,40 euro / liter for diesel (1,95 $ / liter or 7,80 $ per gallon.) This is just gettting out of control with the gasprices. Luckily for us the Netherlands is a very compact country where commutes are never that long, together with a pretty good transportation system and we manage despite fuel prices. I'm in college myself and only use my parents car occasionally and use my bike and public transport (free for students) for the rest of it. When i do get a car though i will get a high mileage one. Just have to beware of these purpose built mileage cars, they can take it too far (my parents just bought a Volkswagen polo bluemotion). The gear box is retarded, they have long gears to make them more fuel efficient but they have managed to set it up in such a way that every normal speed is exactly borderline for a gear change.
Our infrastructure was built on cheap oil, and with cheap oil in mind. We would do best by devoting significant resources to allow for less sprawl and more public transport. I suppose nat. gas could rise up and help us out, but that's likely a decade away at best. Generally speaking $100 may be speculatively driven, but oils "correct" price is closer to $80 than $40/barrel. As the large reservoirs of oil have largely been found, extraction costs go up markedly for the deeper oil. Not to mention oil sands or other untapped resources. The strategic oil reserves hold 2 and a half months of imports, in other words, we're fucked if a huge supply disruption comes. We do get a lot more oil from Canada, Venezuela, Mexico etc than people realize, however. As for me. My wife and I carpool the 40 miles round-trip to our work. We effectively cut our gas bill in half doing this, so gas would have to rise to $6/ gallon or more for us to care.
If I'm skating on thin ice regarding politics here, I apologize. I just wanted to point out how hilarious it is that the same people who want the government out of their business also want the government to do something about gas prices. So, they're for free market capitalism as long as it doesn't effect them? Disclaimer: I don't know shit about oil, global commerce, etc.
The higher the price of gas goes, the more economical that becomes. It also makes the investigation of new technology to make it easier or possible more likely.
Good point, but I think a lot of the cost comes from how much oil is needed to recover more oil. Some of the figures I've read have stated it can take up to two barrels of oil to recover just one. Now, keep in mind that I'm going off sources I've simply stumbled across, so correct me if I'm wrong.