Ok this might be a stupid question - but are they tighter? It looks like the barrier in between would cause pain if you were to stretch one out, no? How awesome would it be to have two kids, and go - Son your name is Ross, since you came out of the right vagina. Luke, you came out of the left. Cue Ross saying "Ha-ha, I came out of the Right vagina, nice fail Luke"
I was thinking that, too. Either the education system really failed her, or she didn't start whoring it up until 18. Would anyone here really be that phased about fucking a girl with a second hoo-hah, anyway?
In their defense, if you look at that photo posted earlier in the thread it seems like the entrance(s) are inside, not like there's two separate openings, uh, on the outside. Plus, if you've never known anything else, you probably wouldn't realize your equipment was odd until you had a chance to compare it to others. But I only have one, so I can't really put myself in their headspace. I look at something like that and think, "Years of corrective surgery."
This sounds like an excellent idea. We can re-start the little used TMMB "Cooter Thread" ( with a nod to Soylent Green). Ladies, you post 'em, and we'll diagnose 'em.
I think someone already suggested this, and I think it ended badly... EDIT: And by the way, wouldn't it be a phenomenal backfire of a thread if the members started posting pics and they were worse than the one posted above? Yup, bad idea...
The fact that the picture is labeled in big block letters "DOUBLE VAGINA" made me laugh harder than anything else in this thread.
Yeah, I'm with Dcc001 on this. I get the feeling that the TiB Cooter Thread could become the stuff of horrors with a single post. Focus: So they have two vaginas. Big deal. It doesn't look that bad! Although I cannot get behind whatever the doctor stretching her labia WIIIIIIDE open thinks he's doing--Jesus, dude, let go of the flaps. Your photo op will still work with 50% less tugging. It must suck to go through an entire box of tampons per period, though.
Is it weird that I want to see pictures badly? I can't wrap my head around this. Edit: Should have looked at the 2nd page..... wow.
Could you imagine the conversation, three months after the condom breaks: Her: Hey, honey, you remember that night a couple months ago? Him: Uhh, yeah? Her: Well, uh, I'm not sure how to say this, so I'm just going to come out with it - I'm pregnant. Him: Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck - I'm so not ready to be a dad. Her: Yeeeeeeeah, about that... Him: Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. Her: I'm double pregnant. I've got two vagina's.
Does this mean that the holy grail of the porn industry is now DVDVDA? I have trouble imagining the logistics of that.
What if a woman was born with double assholes? And if so, was a woman ever born with DVDA? Does this mean four in the pink, thumb in the stink? Could I fuck the right vagina to make the left one jealous?
I particularly enjoy how candid Tyra was in the second video. "Do you have two clitorises?...Which one has the g-spot?...Do you enjoy sex in the left or right vagina more?" I hate Tyra, but I was impressed she kept a straight face. God knows I would be on the floor, laughing, because I'm an immature brat like that.