Well if what Trinity told Dexter today is true (and I believe it is) his sister's death was an accident, his mother killed herself because of it and Trinity killed his abusive father with a hammer afterwards. The more I learn about this guy, the more interested I become. Solid episode, although I'm not sure what to think about this new Rita subplot with the single dad next door. That could get annoying.
the fact that Trinity didn't kill Lundy is an interesting development. Is it possible someone is protecting Trinity? I agree on the next door neighbour subplot. boooring.
My money is on Trinitys' son Jonas being some sort of serial killer protege. After all Trinity gave him the car for a "job well done" shortly after Lundy was killed.
Wow I didn't even think about that. If that turns out to be true it would be fucking insane, plus it would really throw a wrench in Dexter's admiration for Trinity's ability to create a normal family. Dexter has been playing loose with the code lately, anyone think he might kill that guy if he hooks up with Rita/gets violent?
I've been saying since the shooting happened that I think it was Anton, and I will never stop believing that. EVER.
Well, unless Anton was kneeling I don't see how he could have been Masuka's height, and I just don't think that Anton would get so green with envy that he could shoot both Lundy and Deb. Plus, you'd think, if it were him, the writers would have kept him in the episodes somehow. I think the evidence is against you here.
Has anyone thought the shooter of Lundy and Deb was the reporter trying to drum up a story? I do like the idea of Trinity's son being the shooter. It would explain the height difference. Did anyone noticed that this past episode the car was a GT 500 but in the episode before it was a GT 350?
This is who I was thinking after they talked about the height, but I can't figure out why she would do it. Her shooting someone to drum up a story seemed too far fetched, my only other thought was she thought Deb and Quinn were fucking around. That wouldn't make sense though because she only shot Deb in the side but killed Lundy. I never thought of the Trinity's son and he is shorter, but for some reason I think it's the reporter still.
I agree that Trinity's son is a very good theory, however, Trinity said that Dexter was the first person he ever told about what happened to his sister and mother. And I also don't think that being a killer is heredity based, but triggered by a traumatic event, based on what happened to both Dex and Trin, "born in blood" as Dexter put it.
I'm super curious now as to who Deb's shooter is. My first thought was Trinity's wife. She's short. She doesn't seem to have any issue with him traipsing around the country. It would throw a wrench into the idea that Dexter can fool Rita permanently. I'm annoyed that the Angel-LaGuerta relationship is part of the story again. It was funny that the table collapsed but hardly worth the time creating the storyline took during the episode.
I did! But what if it was actually Masuka. He could have done it because he was upset Lundy didn't approve of him. I don't believe that, it's just an idea. I don't think Trinity actually killed his father. When Trinity had that guy beat him up at the bar by calling him a faggot I think he was reenacting his dad's death.
I've been starting to suspect it's Girl Reporter who's the shooter as well... there just aren't that many other short characters. She got a little too excited when Deb offered her the interview - almost ... turned on? She reminded me of Lila for a second. She doesn't really seem to serve any other purpose in the show, though it's a long way to go for a good story (but she is desperate enough to use Quinn, so, who knows?) I just remember the look on Lundy's face and can't help but think it was someone he had seen before. As much as I like the Dexter/Arthur interactions, I do miss the Dexter/Lundy scenes, they were great together. I guess I can understand why they killed him off, but he was a great foil for Dex (and a terrific actor). This show really has some of the most interesting and complex characters on TV.
This may seem random, but I think Lundy/Deb's shooter is the kid who sells coffee. They have put him in with a couple lines, and I think he might have a weird infatuation with Deb. He gave Deb a free coffee when she came back after getting shot, and the last episode he was standing outside the coffee place and stared at her and said something like "A little coffee with that sugar?" They don't usually include people in the show unless Dexter is going to kill them or they are pertinent to the story in some way. Plus he is about Masuka's height. I also think that Christine (reporter) is too obvious of a choice.
Ok. Ok. I was wrong. I am surprised that the shooter really is Christine, and when she says "Hi Dad" I was shocked! Never saw that coming. I am excited to see what is going to happen in these last 3 episodes. I just don't know how Dexter will kill Trinity without his whole family suspecting that it was him after he had a knife pulled on Trinity in the kitchen.
"Hi Dad"? Really? God damn this show. I had an inkling it was the reporter after she went on and on about Lundy dying. I'm guessing she's got some kind of idea that Daddy isn't all there. But I can't figure out the why though. She ices the one man with a better then average chance at taking Trinity down, but writes a big article on the bludgeoner. The only thing I can come up with is that she's looking to do the deed herself. She's got the motive, growing up in a house like that.
Trinity's Thanksgiving dinner was one of the creepiest moments in Dexter history. That was a fucking sideshow.
Yes it does. But it also has some of the most boring and one-sided characters on TV. WHY is tha Laguerta/Batista story line in the show, I'll never know. My only hope is that this is a way for the writers to get Laguerta fired and Batista miserable.
Seriously, I was yelling at the TV last night during the scene with those two. The only way Batista is interesting is if he's miserable. LaGuerta is just annoying. That whole storyline is a waste of time. I'd rather the show be 10 minutes shorter, and just cut that shit out.
I've never found myself fast forwarding through parts of Dexter until they started this LaGuerta-Batista angle.
At first I was a little nervous that Trinity was becoming such a fruitcake, however last episode promises to deliver the battle between Dex and Trinity we have been hoping for. The reporter is his daughter WTF??? Also I'm wondering who the fourth person he kills is. LaGuerta/ Batista is painful. We mention it every week but it doesn't make it any less awful. I'm still sticking to my theroy that Michael C Hall is so good it makes every other character seem awful. With the exception of Smits and Lithgow noone comes close. (Please don't mention Masuka, he has four lines an episode......) We use to crush Deb as well because she is a horrible actress.