I don't know what's going on here but I do know that it's going to stop right now and that all y'all know better.
I've used many a girls facebook photos as spank bank material. I remember having a conversation about this on the old board and no surprisingly the girls seemed creeped out while some of the guys gave the "what? I thought most guys did that.." response. A majority of them are just girls Ive had sex/hooked up with. Though a few have been hot ass girls I know Ive wanted to bone. I also tend to search out porn stars that physically resemble girls Ive hooked up with and use facebook pics along with the videos to kind of recreate my hook up experience with them. It's pretty surprising, well I guess not with the shear volume of available porn, that it is extremely easy to find pornstars that closely resemble and even sound close to girls Ive been with. Ive never told any of them but most would probably just think Im a sick weirdo but I hope a select few would probably be flattered I still think of them in such an intimate way. I generally file this under normal guy pervness. What do you think happens with those sexting messages you send your boyfriend after you break up? You know, asides from being posted on boobie/booty threads "with permission"?
Meddle not in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger. Spoiler IT HAPPENED IN A DREAM AND I JUMPED OUT OF THE DREAM-VAN AS SOON AS I REALIZED YOU WERE PEEING ON ME. FUCK.
I maintained a FWB situation with a woman through two of her boyfreinds and a marriage. The marraige part was interesting, because apparently her husband had some cuckhold fantasies and the typical scenario would go like this: I'd go over to her house and the three of us would watch some movies or something. Afterward her husband would say he was going to bed and would leave the bedroom door open while he was 'asleep'. After about five or ten minutes she and I would start fooling around on the couch and we'd end up fucking on the floor - in view of the bedroom. Afterward I'd leave and apparently once I was gone she'd get fucked by her husband. It honestly wasn't the greatest sex because there was always that little voice in the back of my mind wondering if Jason would decide he didn't really like watching some guy fuck his wife in his living room and come out of the bedroom to put an emphatic stop to it, but I didn't stop me either because I was in my twenties and just happy to get my dick wet.
I had a girlfriend years ago who wanted me to start having sex with her while she was asleep. We'd talked it through a few times. She wanted it to be a surprise and didn't want any warning. So, one night I took the opportunity. It took a while to get her in a position where I could do something, without having woken her up. I can only imagine that part is a lot easier when they're passout drunk.... I'm just starting to ease in when she wakes up, immediately goes wide eyed and snaps her head towards me. Then she curls her body in on itself and cringes away from me while asking in a tiny voice, "What are you doing?" I freak out, back up into a neutral position (ie dick facing away) and stammer out a, "uhh.. what you wanted me to do..." She replies with, "oh", followed a few seconds later with, "no". We both pretend to go back to sleep while freaking out on opposite sides of the bed with our backs to each other. Then proceed to not have sex or even discuss the topic for three months, and never mention the topic or incident ever again. In retrospect, the gorilla suit may have been a bit much... (I kid, I kid... it was just the mask...)
When me and the girlfriend first started dating, she had an amazing sex drive. And friday nights, her dorm suite would be empty. We fucked all over her room, the bathroom, the walls, the stairs, and the floor of the common area. I even blindfolded her and fucked her on the floor just inside her friend's room that had been left open.
This is not really a secret (as I posted a picture of it on the old board), but I once walked a runway wearing nothing but a sparkly jock strap and a leash.
This isn't sexual. Sorry to disappoint. This is some small town, North Carolina shit: When I was 15, I found out that my best friend's dad wasn't his real dad. He didn't know until years later that the guy who raised him wasn't his father. He didn't find out until he came back home from college and took a job working for the guy that, unknowingly, was his real father. Nothing was said until one day he "met" his boss' mom. She hugged him and said, "I haven't held you since you were a baby". That's when the shit hit the fan. This poor guy found out at 22 that he was raised by a decent respectable man who wasn't his biological dad. In fact, his real dad is a piece of shit who has at least 10 kids. 5 of those are bastards. Legally and literally. We're 32 now and he still doesn't know that I knew about all that shit.
The first time I got head was a shit show. I first put the condom on thinking I was going to have sex, but instead she opted for a blowjob. We didn't know any better so at first she tried giving me a blowjob with the condom on. It was taken off pretty fast since condoms taste bad. Also this girl was horrible at giving head. I had porno vid experience so I am coaching her with gems such as, "why don't you try putting the lips over your teeth?", "maybe you should spit on my dick or drool more?" It culminated at the end. Before we started she told me to warn her before I came since she would throw up if I did it in her mouth. Well I swear to god, I was close to cumming but I had a couple seconds left. All of a sudden she starts spitting and makes choking / gagging noises. After the whole panic episode subsides, I try to figure out what happend and she told me that my cum hit the back of her throat. So there I am thinking god damn, I came from the most shitty head possible, and I didn't even realize it. It took me a few days of pondering but I finally discovered I actually did not have an orgasm and the only thing that she swallowed was my precum ... I was just too stupid and inexperienced at the time to realize. Talk about a mind fuck.
I'm a bit late to this thread, but whatever. -I never actually graduated college. My Army friends and most of my family know this, but not one of my high school or college friends does. I realize lying to some of my closest friends for years makes me a colossal douchebag, but whatever. Right now I'm hoping to be able to graduate by the end of the year. -I used to fuck fat girls regularly. This was because I was a somewhat chubby, frequently-unemployed alcoholic and most of the girls who were willing to fuck me were fat. I would usually just drink until they were cute. I've improved myself considerably in the intervening years so my standards have become higher, but that doesn't mean I don't still go for the occasional slumpbuster--after all I've already been there and done that.
This is a bit of an odd request, but please bear with me. I'm curious to know how many red dots were given out on this thread. I'm interested only in the number of red dots. I don't want names of those giving the red dots, or the posts they were given for. Please only mention red dots you received, so I can avoid knowing names altogether. Optional, obviously, but I'm curious. Fire me some PMs if you're interested, but don't post it up here. Also, one last FOCUS for good measure: I once took nude pictures of a good friend while she was passed out drunk at our apartment. She doesn't know this, and the worst part is that I lost those pictures ages ago. Don't know where they are, or who might've gotten their hands on them.
Fuck, I can't believe I'm admitting this but I'm a Gossip Girl fan..... I better post this before I change my mind. I once made the mistake of telling an ex girlfriend that. She was a fan and made me watch it with her occasionally. After a while she would just watch it alone because I would complain about how stupid it was while secretly following every episode by myself. One night we were laying in bed cuddling and doing the pillow talk thing when she asked me to tell her something I had never told anyone before (btw, why the fuck do women do this? Next time it'll be "I put my finger in your cats asshole while I masturbate with a belt around my neck"). She knew I had something in mind but could sense my hesitation. Her sweet siren voice convinced me to spit it out in a moment of weakness. At the time she just said "cute". However, I'm pretty sure she was just being polite and trying not to laugh. It wasn't mentioned again for a few weeks but after that she NEVER let me live it down. Every time she needed a foolproof trump card (frequently) she would lay it on me. I sort of didn't mind because she would always do it in a playful way but I pray to God that never gets back to my friends. She promised me many time before and after we went our separate ways that she would never mention it, but I have my doubts. I can see her and her girlfriend laughing over it at this moment. Is it a big deal to a board of anonymous strangers? No, and that's the point. It's embarrassing, but fuck you guys. However, if any of my friends ever read this I could probably never face them again. I stressed the importance of this to her many times. I hope she takes/took it seriously.