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Does size matter?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dcc001, Aug 15, 2010.

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  1. taste_my_rainbow

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    Oct 20, 2009
    I seriously hope you didn't suck on it.

    This kind o' pussy isn't attractive to me. The term "meat curtains" comes to mind.


    Mine is pretty, more like this one. Leaves a little to the imagination... it isn't just out there like AHHHH!

    As far as men, I like average to just above average in both length and girth. I went out with a guy a few times and from what I felt through his jeans, his dick was like the end of my thumb. I didn't explore any further.
  2. jennitalia

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    Jan 5, 2010
    As previously mentioned, I prefer the 7-8 range. As a disclaimer, I haven't fucked a guy with an average size dick. They've either been "is it in yet?" or "oh my fucking god!" sized. Actually, I did fuck a guy with an average dick once, but it had a weird curve and he didn't know how to use it, so I try not to count it.
  3. lostalldoubt86

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    May 23, 2010
    Earth, The Universe
    OK, about this pubic hair situation? Is some hair ok? I mean, I don't have 70's bush, but I'm also not an 11 year-old girl.
  4. taste_my_rainbow

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    Oct 20, 2009
    I'm rocking the 11 year old girl look and I love it.
  5. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    Different strokes for different folks. For me personally, I like it all gone. Or at the very most, a landing strip. I honestly can't understand how a guy would prefer dragging his tongue through what is essentially a funky vaginal pelt. No thanks.
  6. BL1Y

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    Feb 7, 2010
    I prefer clean shaven on a girl, but some hair isn't too big of a deal for me. But, if it's a bit on the shaggier side, put on your panties, get a mirror, and if any hairs are sticking out, it's time a freaking wax.
  7. MoreCowbell

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    Oct 19, 2009

    I prefer all shaven, but most guys just require non-ridiculous. We don't want it to look like we're faceplanting into a jungle. Minor maintenance would probably be fine. As long as it doesn't look like Edward Scissorhand's hair, I doubt many guys would complain.
  8. jordan_paul

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    Oct 26, 2009
    Binbrook, Ontario
    Well according to the girl whose mitt I darted on the weekend, I wasnt "adaquette enough" for her. Its pretty bad when you finish, then hear her sigh and roll off you. The worst part though is when I was getting up to go wash my weiner off then go home, she lays down on my arm, grabs my other arm and puts it over top of her, then starts masterbating herself. Nothing says you have a slightly below average pecker when a girl has to rub one out after your done with her.
  9. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    I have to third (fourth?) everyone who's saying that average length is the best. Extra girth is okay, but length will fucking kill you. As to the whole, "I prefer to eight inches," I think that most girls are hazy on actual length. I could sit here and recall the guys I've been with who were bigger (never had anyone freakishly small), but I don't think that 8" is a common number that you see all the time. Nor, really, does it matter at all. It's as insignificant in predicting talent in bed as the number of people you've fucked. Having a big dick (or a high number) doesn't mean you know what you're doing.

    Sorry, but I'm totally against the 11-year-old look. Yes, I know that most men prefer it because of cleanliness and less choking on hairs and because it makes the girl look more vulnerable/penatratable (I made up that word), but I still think it's creepy.

    I'm glad someone brought this up. I was talking to a guy about this and when he told me that girls are different angles it caught me off guard. I fully realize that we're all different sizes, but the idea that the entrance is actually shifted to the point of having it be noticeable during sex is crazy. I suppose it makes sense, and it would partially explain why one position is dynamite for one chick and kryptonite for another. Any other guys notice this?
  10. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Sorry for the double post, but really? Besides the fact that this sounds suspiciously like a prostitute situation (who rolls over, gets up and washes their dick so they can leave?), it illustrates how stupid SOME men can be and how bad it can make the rest of them look.

    It's waaay harder for women to orgasm, in general, than men. Aside from the anatomy/physiology of it, women are just more complex. As a chick if you learn 3 or 4 moves in bed they'll work well on most men. Men don't have that luxury. They've got to throw away the playbook and start fresh with each girl they're with. So it's totally understandable if the chick doesn't cum each time you fuck. What's not acceptable is thinking that because you got off it's okay to just get up and leave because game over. Really? It isn't a little bit hot to hold her and play with her and help her get herself off? Are you 16 years old?
  11. whathasbeenseen

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    Dec 30, 2009
    I dated a girl who had a kid a few years before we started in. After her pregnancy she was told and noticed that her anatomy had shifted and she now tilted. Whatever happened it was good for me. Oh, and she did kegals (sp?) and used these little balls of varied size to squeeze down on. During boring meetings at work she'd give herself orgasms. I didn't believe her until she demonstrated. Fan. Fucking. Tastic.
  12. jordan_paul

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    Oct 26, 2009
    Binbrook, Ontario
    I guess I should have done a bit of a back story on this one. It happened at one of my bestfriend's 21st birthday party on his bed at like 3:00 in the morning while everyone else was out back around the fire. I expected it to be just an in and out hook up. I ended up falling asleep with her and drove her home in the morning. It turns out she was actually a pretty cool girl. And Im 20 btw.
  13. Aetius

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Next time you fuck a bald dude I'm gonna call you an infant-fucker. You creepy bastard.
  14. Frank

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    Oct 20, 2009
    I know you're right on aggregate but I'm definitely definitely in the "exception" pile on this one. I've been able to finish inside less than 10 girls in my entire life, most I needed a post sex BJ from, it's fucking awful. I've always been jealous of the guys who "blew it within a few pumps" their first time. I was on my fifth partner before I was able to finish.

    With my last gf I had about a 60% success rate in getting off, think about that, 40% of the time I would bottom her out before I got off and either have to have her finish me, or finish myself. And that was the best I had ever experienced. I was pumped when after about a hundred attempts I was finally able to finish in less than 10 minutes. And don't pull the "you weren't doing it right" card. I've tried most positions and methods you can think of.

    Luckily, with my current GF I am in the 99-100% success rate range, it's been great, but I'm totally hosed if she dumps me.

    Size wise I've been told I'm a little above average by most girls which means I'm probably about average. I can't be that bad in the sack though since almost every girl I've hooked up with has tried for a second go around... granted this may have been to save their ego by succeeding at getting me off after initial failure.
  15. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Meh. Fair enough.
  16. taste_my_rainbow

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    Oct 20, 2009
    Kegels strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Simply put, for those of you that don't know, it's the same muscle contraction as if you were trying not to pee. I've done them for years and at one point my gyno suggested that I cut way back or stop completely. (I was nervous ok? I was all tensed up and he couldn't get the speculum in.)

    You're probably talking about Ben Wa balls. No experience with those but they've been around forever and from what I understand they provide the same workout for pelvic floor muscles but with the added benefit of feeling super nice.

    I was against it until I found my first white/silver/grey pubic hair. Nothing else but complete removal was an option then. And it feels really really good when everything's all slippery.
  17. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Don't worry you are not alone. To kick you while your down it is actually referred to as retarded ejaculation. Ive only been able to cum in a girl once through vaginal intercourse. On the flip side if the girl is good enough she can give me a BJ and blow my fucking socks off in 10 seconds flat. It's not all roses being able to last seemingly forever when fucking a chick. Most of the time it becomes too long and they start sighing and asking when the fuck you'll be done because they are getting sore. Some of it is anxiety and some of it is having masturbated your dick into thinking that is the only way to get off.

    This thread is timely for me since as I mentioned in the WDT that I had sex with my first chinese girl this weekend. I am not anywhere near a Mandingo dick, I am right at what Ive read is the average for guys. She claimed I was way too big for her and it did seem like a bottomed out in her a lot sooner than any other girl Ive been with. In the end it really felt like she was just trying to boost my ego, since the women over here are a lot more subservient and put a much higher priority on keeping the man happy in the relationship. It is no wonder all the foreigners here marry chinese girls.

    Along the same lines the first girl that gave me a BJ told everyone we worked with that I was well hung. Bless her little heart. She went on to date a coupe of OSU football players. Im betting she'd change her mind mighty fast if she saw it again.

    As for girls, Ive never experienced a girl with the hangy beef curtains that look like a hound dog. I prefer no hair as well. Sorry DixieBandit, the shit is just gross. Someone on this board had the best argument for it that Ive ever heard. Hair down there comes off as masculine, the more hair down there the more masculine it seems. You don't want to be masculine as far as your pussy is concerned do you ladies???
  18. CharlesJohnson

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    Oct 19, 2009

    Does she look like this:

    I don't remember where I found this video, could have been here, but it bothered the hell out of me. BBC did a documentary on gals with poor body image. So Lindsay here is having a Labiaplasty (cannot stress NWS enough):

    Personally, I don't mind a little extra. Keep it. If it bothers a guy that much forget him. If you gals had extra meat, would you go so far as to have it *ahem* trimmed up?
    #38 CharlesJohnson, Aug 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  19. Disgustipated

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    Oct 20, 2009
    Gold Coast, Australia
    Personally, I'm the opposite. But I'm all kinds of fucked up. A girl can go to town orally and it's just not going to happen. At least vaginal sex usually works.

    On that subject, I'm average length but thick (one ex called it "stocky"; make of that what you will). It's hard to find a girl who can give head without dragging her teeth up and down it.

    With regards to female anatomy, I've experienced a wide range of looks and feels.

    Floppy meat curtains certainly aren't the most attractive look, but they ultimately feel no different with you get down to it. Most of the girls with them generally appreciate them being lightly pulled, it stimulates the clit. I did have one girl who had small labia try and tell me that when she has kids they'll pop out and she'll have big ones, and that's how you know when a woman has had children. I found this hilarious.

    I prefer no hair to hair, but it's fine as long as we're not talking a pubic jungle. I did have one girlfriend a long time ago who didn't touch hers, and it was pretty full on. However, it was like dark silk and felt absolutely awesome so I didn't mind that too much.

    Angle can be a bitch, but that's what different positions are for. The bigger issue is girls with no pelvic floor muscle tone. Once you get past the entrance it's the old "hotdog down a hallway". I've been with women where I might as well have rubbed teething gel on the end of my dick because there's just nothing once you get inside. It might be tight(ish) at the entrance, but I'm not going to risk pulling all the way out and breaking my dick and the forethrust. At least with anal, the sphincter is bigger and stronger so you've got a lot less margin for error.

    My question for the girls is what differentiation do you make for growers and showers? Personally, I'm a grower and when I'm not up it's very unimpressive. I'm not the type to stand at attention in a stiff breeze anymore, and on the rare occasion I've been grinded on there's really not much there. I'm pretty sure this has been off putting, but it's in no way an accurate representation. Of course, even attempted to make an explanation of that at the time would be completely stupid.
  20. Politik

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    Jan 5, 2010
    My weiner is a bit above average in length but apparently has above average circumference (???). I never had a clue that I might have an above average dick until my freshman year of college. After a couple dozen females couldn't fit my dick in there mouth to give proper head or made comments about it I realized my junk placed solid in the genetic lottery. The last girl I was seeing is all Catholic and shit and I know for a fact that the #1 reason she continued to hook up with me is because she thinks I have a big dick despite it not being particularly long at all. At first I chalked this sorta stuff up to typical female flattery but when the patterns reoccur enough times it's time to face reality. In my experience size does matter -- especially if you're dick is rail-thin. And God bless you pencil dicks for making me look that much better in comparison.

    Women, shave your cooters. Pubic hair is generally pretty gross and I go out of my way to make sure mine is well groomed/shaved/whatever. Roast beef curtains are the female equivalent of a small dick -- not necessarily an insurmountable problem but it is a pretty big turn off for a lot of the general population.
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