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Does this cock make me look gay?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dcc001, Sep 17, 2011.

  1. toejam

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Beefy Phil pretty much said the same thing, but I doubt most guys that throw up an immediate "Gross, vomit!" actually feel that way. Sure, I'd probably rather not see it, but gay stuff doesn't bother me, and acting like it's some huge deal is pretty juvenile.

    A couple weeks ago, I was getting my haircut, and the guy who cuts my hair (pretty gay, on a scale of 1-gay), tells me a story about how another client wanted my hair cutter to sleep with him and his wife. My hair guy then shows me a picture the guy sent him of his dick. He mentions that the thing looks like it's about the size of a cucumber, I agreed, and we went on with the haircut. No vomiting - I didn't immediately say "Gah that's disgusting, let's drink Busch Light and watch lesbians scissor!"

    I didn't do that, because it's not a big deal. I don't suddenly worry that everyone around me is going to think I'm gay because I looked at a dick for a couple seconds, or even commented on it. And honestly, if someone DID think I was gay because of something I said, I doubt I'd care.
  2. scootah

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    Oct 21, 2009
    I'd argue that the math is simple - porn with a dick in it sells way better than lesbian porn. Look at almost any porn market and the metrics are very clear, gay porn and one on one straight scenes take a majority of the market - although that's heavily influenced by production cost (gay porn is cheap to produce, porn with only two people in front of the camera is always cheaper than three, etc). Straight niche porn that always surprises me for what moves - porn featuring multiple guys and cheating spouses usually out performs porn featuring multiple girls or niche's like barely legal teens. Black dicks and white chicks porn is predominantly consumed by white guys who identify as heterosexual. And is more heavily consumed than Lesbian porn - either through tube sites, pay to watch sites, or DVD sales and rentals. All the market research that gets published is very clear.

    We've had the conversation before about porn telling us the truth about what men want from women - that the impossibly slender ideal in fashion is a nothing to do with guys who like to fuck girls because just look at the porn stars who move units - none of them look like fashion models. I think there's a lot of truth about the sexuality of men in the western first world in the types of porn that we consume. There are more guys out there who identify as heterosexual who want to see a tiny white girl in a scene with two giant black guys who's balls touch, then there are guys who want to watch two girls with strap-ons. And most of those guys are white. That's incontrovertible fact that anyone who can look at the view counts by category on a porn site can verify. And it's a long fucking way away from what we tell ourselves is the truth about our society. Look at how much movement goes around incest porn sometime and it'll blow your mind.

    I think what the average football locker room full of guys tells each other they want sexually, has very little in common with reality.
  3. Crazy Wolf

    Crazy Wolf
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    Oct 20, 2009
    It's a really fun study to troll homophobes with, but anger arousal and sexual arousal both set off the dong-monitors in use in the study, if I recall correctly.

    Guy-guy stuff is not for me. I can be in a room where it's playing, but the sounds male porn actors make are all kinds of terrible; having one guy who won't shut the fuck up during a scene is bad enough, but two, and no females to listen to or look at? Well, that just has "no fun" written all over it.
  4. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Gayness has never made me squirmed, flinch or look at my watch. It never bothered my parents in any way, so they told me it was normal, but rare. Usually I find gay dudes funny and brutally honest. My dental surgeon that carved out my wisdom teeth last year has gayer than Little Richard's underpants. Now, some guys would probably get nervous having a gay dude gas you and plunge two I.V.'s into you, then have you at his complete mercy for a couple of hours. I just wanted to feel this long-and-much-discussed rush of drugs that I have been waiting to experience my whole life and WOWWWWWWW.....Now, I think right when the morphine kicked in hardcore I swore that I faintly remember hearing Marvin Gaye playing over the P.A. and seeing him dancing around in a pair of coconut tits right before it went black, and my belt wasn't done up the same way as it was when I passed out, but I guess can't complain: action is still action.
  5. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Reading back over the last few pages, it's interesting to note that the focus has honed in exclusively as, "Male-on-male sexuality is/is not disgusting/normal/acceptable/gross." No board member is questioning whether or not the same level of scorn (for lack of a better word) should apply to female-on-female stuff. Also, how come it's all men who are repulsed by male porn? None of the female posters are talking about opening up a video to see two girls going at it hardcore and then snapping it closed with disgust.

    I don't know if I'm adding anything to the discussion with this post, but it's just interesting to see the double standard at play.
  6. LessTalk MoreStab

    LessTalk MoreStab
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    Oct 29, 2009

    Silly girl. Everyone loves boobies.

    Big hairy cocks.... Not so much.
  7. bebop007

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    Jan 12, 2010
    One story I always enjoy telling people involves two gay guys.

    I was at a good buddy of mine's wedding. I, having consumed loads and loads of whiskey, had to find my way to the nearest bathroom most immediately. In front of me, heading into the bathroom, was the friend's gay cousin and his boyfriend (who, honest to god, was the spitting image of Freddie Mercury). Anyway, the cousin asks his boyfriend "How do we get to Brown County from here?" To which "Freddie Mercury" boyfriend immediately responds, "Only two fags would talk about that in a men's bathroom."

    I was fucking dying laughing. It reminded me of one particular reason I love gay men - the sassy, often bitchy, zingers. Nobody does those quite like gay men. Also another reason is because I think I've had more gay men openly flirt with me than women. It's just nice to be appreciated, is all I'm saying.*

    On the homophobia point, does it seem that that can be too broad of a term, especially for what's being discussed here? It doesn't seem like anyone's issue is with homosexuals themselves, rather one specific activity they engage in.

    Anyway, here's a QI clip that's only marginally related to the discussion at hand. But a little levity never hurt.

    *I look forward to any and all reps from you snarky bastards (and bitches, since you ladies can be just as equally snarky) about me being in the closet.
    #47 bebop007, Sep 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  8. scootah

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Those studies always have fucked methodologies. Like someone with a bunch of electrodes glommed to their nuts and penis and shown randomly selected pornographic images in a monitored lab environment is going to give any kind of representative insight into what turns them on. There's also so much bias around that sort of research that it's hard to find credibility anywhere - it's almost entirely run by gay guys who want to feel normal, or religious people who want to prove that gay guys aren't normal. The solid science that happens around that bias is very interesting - but both sides are so painfully biased that you have to approach it all very cynically.

    There are some plausible arguments that a lot of homophobia is an internalized anger and self loathing at repressed sexuality. And there's lots of very strong evidence that pure heterosexuality (a complete disinterest in all persons of the same sex under all circumstances) is just as rare as pure homosexuality among healthy adults. Most people probably fall somewhere in the middle, regardless of gender. And we see that trend among women increasingly clearly. There's a lot of social pressure opposing acknowledgement of that among guys - but there's a lot of research in the last 10 years suggesting that guys are getting a lot more open to exploring that.
  9. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    Well I agree totally, there is the grown up ethics 101 way to deal with the problem (setting boundaries, putting socks on doors, getting over your squeamishness, ignoring the ridicule from friends, etc). Moving rooms is the easy way out and least uncomfortable way of doing things. But, as a choice, the second one doesn't seem homophobic in the modern use of the word (Ie as equated with racism), sure you have a "irrational fear or aversion" to the sight of guy on guy sex but it isn't manifested in a hatred or prejudice against the person. Which is also a reason I don't think moving out is over reacting.

    But I have heard plenty of girls that were grossed out at the site of two dudes going at it hardcore...
  10. MoreCowbell

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I've personally found females who are disgusted by female homosexuality to be quite rare, and men who are disgusted by the same thing even rarer. Perhaps it is unwise to go down the feminist rabbit hole, but I would argue that it's because there's a strong social trend towards viewing women as visual entertainment or decoration. See, for example, why female strippers are the norm but male strippers are basically a punchline. Hence men view female-on-female acts as performance for the sake of the male gaze. Since male-on-male acts don't fit within this schema and even outright challenge it, they're confusing, uncomfortable, and to be avoided at all costs.
  11. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    I've heard a few women say that as well. Why the double standard? Why is the notion of two men together arguable as repulsive, and two women is just pretty well accepted and left alone?

    This youtube video shows two men kissing. Do not watch it if you don't want to see a scene that ends with two men going at it. I post it only because it is fucking HOT, and it's a shame that there are women or men out there who can't appreciate it. Keep in mind, this aired on basic cable (Showtime).

    Edit: If you watch that, it has one of the best lines ever: "So, are you coming or going? Or cumming, and then going? Or cumming and staying?"

    Edit 2: Showtime is BASIC cable in Calgary. Channel 32 on Shaw.
    #51 Dcc001, Sep 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  12. scootah

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    Oct 21, 2009
    I know my personal anecdotes are in no way indicative of normality, but I've lost track of the number of gay porn magazines that girls have 'borrowed' from me and never returned. Or just outright stolen. I have no indication of how the broader population of women is represented in terms of into/not into dude on dude action. But it's really easy to find girls who are really fucking into it.

    I'd argue that it's because the women's liberation movement has been remarkably successful in the western first world. Women have been given many opportunities to feel safe in exploring non heterosexuality - and the reality is that it's much harder to find the same kind of safety in that exploration as a man.

    I'm sure the entertainment thing also comes into play. The girls who make out with other girls in a night club to increase their attractiveness to men are a clear example that some women will utilize the entertaining appearance of homosexuality without necessarily having any homosexual intent. But I don't think that's a majority of bisexual or lesbian women by any stretch, I don't even thing it's a substantial portion.
  13. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    According to Nom and the movie The Kids Are Alright lesbian women are large consumers of gay male porn. I don't have the aggregate data in front of me on this one.
  14. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    Say what you want about gay porn, but there are way fewer faked orgasms. I'm just saying, if you're into squirters...
  15. MoreCowbell

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I agree, but I think we're making slightly different points. Mine wasn't about the sexual act or its motivations, but rather about the viewer's relationship with it. Because we are used to consuming visual displays of female sexuality and to its intentional display (even if one isn't sexually attracted to women; it's still a norm of everyday life), we now instinctually respond differently to different sorts of homosexual acts. We're used to seeing women in this context, with or without a man and the use of female sexuality for male consumption is a given at the point. The same is not anywhere near as true for male sexuality.
  16. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    Reminds me of the Seinfeld quote Elaine had on male and female bodies:

    Jerry: "Well, I was walking around naked in front of Melissa the other day--"
    Elaine: "Whoa! Walking around naked? Ahh... that is not a good look for a
    George: "Why not? It's a good look for a woman."
    Elaine: "Well, the female body is a... work of art. The male body is
    utilitarian, it's for gettin' around, like a jeep."
    Jerry: "So you don't think it's attractive?"
    Elaine: "It's hideous. The hair, the... the lumpiness. It's simian."
    George: "Well, some women like it."
    Elaine: "Hmm. Sickies."
  17. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I'm not in a serious mood to join the discussion, so I'm just going to talk about porn.

    I watch a lot of lesbian porn, and that's mainly because it's pretty much my only unfulfilled fantasy, and porn is all about fantasy. I don't watch gay porn because I don't find it a turn-on. What I do find incredibly hot is watching guys kiss. I have no idea why, or why there's that dividing line. If I found a gay porn with guys I found attractive, I'd probably watch the whole thing, but the thing is guys in porn are so far from my type of guys, and gay porn guys are even farther from my taste, so I don't try.
  18. lostalldoubt86

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    May 23, 2010
    Earth, The Universe

    I can't get off to lesbian porn, if that adds to the conversation. I do understand the appeal, but there is just something about girl-on-girl that makes me not want to stop masturbating for a minute. It takes me out the moment, I guess.
  19. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    I might be drunk, but objectively, gay porn is more my taste than straight porn. Unfortunately, I'm not gay, so it doesn't arouse me (daaaaamn you love of vagina!) but I could imagine the sorts of things I prize in porn (passion, chemistry, tension, orgasms) would be pretty prevalent in gay porn.

    EDIT: No homo.
  20. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    If women are objectified in porn who's objectified in guy on guy porn?