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Does this cock make me look gay?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dcc001, Sep 17, 2011.

  1. Pinkcup

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Steel City
    Me too. I almost exclusively watch lesbian porn. I'll make exceptions for the amazingly talented James Deen, but only when my lady-on-lady stash has been exhausted.

    It's less about fantasy for me than it is about erotically enjoying the style of sex between two (or three, or four...) people. Watching some guy jam his dick into some girls ass and pound away like he's trying to force his way through her guts and into her throat is...not my preference for visual stimulation. This holds true for gay porn as well: I am simply not turned on by watching one man pound his way through the guts of another man via his asshole. This doesn't make me anti-gay porn, though. I am a huge fan of watching two men kiss. Passionately, with their fingers tugging at clothes and hands around throats and whatnot. But also sensitively, with soulful staring and cradling of faces. I also get turned on by blowjob scenes. And salad tossing scenes (no, not kidding). These things mimic what I find common in girl-on-girl scenes: the licking, the kissing, the emphasis on foreplay, etc. I can't change what I'm visually stimulated by.

    But, to bring this around to the focus: My first exposure to gay porn was met with horror, shock, disgust, etc. It was one part social conditioning, one part inexperience with the subject matter, and one part being immediately turned off by violent assfucking. After I'd shut it down and found something more to my liking, I reflected on my reaction and immediately knew which parts of my revulsion were legitimate and which weren't. Solution: I watched more gay porn. Enough to somewhat undo years of conservative upbringing and more than enough to familiarize myself with the sight of two men getting to know each other biblically. Now I'm cool with it if I run across it while searching for other things. No revulsion.

    I'm not saying it's a solution for everyone, but it worked for me.
  2. dixiebandit69

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    The asshole of Texas
    When/where did this conversation take place? Where can I find these statistics that you are talking about?
    I'm not doubting you, I'm just curious.
  3. Disgustipated

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Gold Coast, Australia
    I think this would be a more useful test. Approach a random guy in the street and ask him three questions:

    1. Would you give Brad Pitt* a blowjob?
    2. Would you give Brad Pitt a blowjob for $10 million?
    3. Now, would you give Brad Pitt a blowjob for $1 million if no one ever found out?

    (*Or whoever, it's not like I've got a thing for Brad. I'm off to watch Fight Club again....)
  4. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    Of course not. I don't even have a million dollars.
  5. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    Eros magazine and The Sex Party Australia send out subscription publications with a bunch of stuff that I don't have with me at work - check out your geographically appropriate sex worker/porn advocacy (as in political advocacy, not free women from slave traders advocacy) group and they usually publish research papers from their members and their own research on what is and isn't selling in the industry. Alternately you can go check out the view counts by category on most of the porn 'tube sites to get a first indicator. Lots of the different sites publish their metrics from time to time, although they usually don't leave them up and available and you need to actually check out the publishing company sites rather than just watching the porn and never looking at stuff again.

    The conversation about porn being a more accurate representation of what guys are into than fashion happened at least a dozen times on the TMMB/RMMB and a few times in the past here. It's not like it's a hard idea to follow though - look at porn models who succeed based on the market preferences of predominantly heterosexual men. Then look at fashion models. Do you think women's fashion takes any influence from the tastes of heterosexual men? Unless you're high, it's not even a discussion.
  6. AlmostGaunt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I've been following this thread with a look on my face not unlike this:

    Change rooms because your roommate's gay? See above. Eh, maybe I'm desensitized, but when I moved out of my parent's place after Uni I moved in with a gay friend in his small townhouse. His boyfriend stayed over occasionally. After the first week or so, it was no more or less awkward than living with a straight guy. The only 'issue' that arose was that apparently a bunch of people (mostly my folks' friends) assumed I was gay. Of course, I've had people assume I was gay for the type of beer I was drinking (bottled, not canned) or the fact that I was reading a (gasp) book, so it didn't bother me, apart from reinforcing my prejudices that a lot of people are profoundly dumb. I also had a girlfriend at the time. People are weird.

    If we're being honest, I actually find it more discomforting when I occasionally stay at a lesbian friend's house. She's mildly attractive and her girlfriend is downright stunning, and sometimes it's hard to keep my thoughts respectable. I feel mildly bad about it, but what are you gonna do?

    I trend slightly to lesbian porn because I like a BDSM element and a lot of the guy-on-girl BDSM stuff bothers me. (Seriously, producers? Can I just watch a girl get tied up without her bursting into tears or screaming? Fuck.) I haven't accidentally come across gay porn since the days when people trolled irc with meatspin links, so the issue hasn't come up, but if it did I would close the browser window for the same reason I would if it were a newscast or kittens playing - the distraction would make me less turned on.

    Some of you guys seem to be wound a little tight on this issue.

    Also, Nom, aren't 'you people' supposed to keep it on the 'DL'?

    Attached Files:

  7. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    This thread is making me wonder how/where the non-gay porn fans are seeing gay porn and either turning away in disgust or not caring. On the sites I frequent, I have the tranny/gay porn vids filtered out for the same reason I would filter out granny or animal porn: I'm not gonna watch it, so I'd rather it not take up space on the web page I'm viewing. Other than that, the only gay stuff I come across regularly is gay humour, like on Tosh.0 or Jackass (which I love, by the way, in part because I think laughing with that kind of humour shows societal progress, in terms of acceptance).

    I will admit to some squeamishness when I have come across gay vids, but it feels like the same squeamishness I would experience if I was masturbating and suddenly saw a picture of a family member or something: it kills my boner in a fucking hurry. I've had gay friends over the years, and seeing dudes hold hands or kiss in public doesn't make me feel any different than seeing a hetero couple doing the same thing, it's just that, when I'm stroking it, watching two dudes going at it is gonna soften things up quick and I can't help it.

    Interesting stats from Scootah, too, about the most watched types of porn. Makes me feel like I'm in the minority because I fucking LOVE lesbian porn. I have an ever-changing list of about 10-20 favourite current vids -- guarantee over half are completely cock-free, and I'd be shocked if more than five are MFF threesomes. Absolutely zero are one-on-one guy-girl vids.

    I've heard many girls talk about their preference for lesbian porn as well. I think it's the kissing and general gentleness in most mainstream lesbian porn versus mainstream guy-railing-chicks porn. Never heard a girl even mention gay porn, but that could be just because of the general vanilla-ness of my circle of friends. Also think the greater acceptance of lesbian porn vs gay porn comes from women being works of art and guys being, as Elaine put it, "utilitarian". I'm honestly surprised/incredibly grateful more girls aren't lesbians.

    Some further thoughts.
  8. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    It's funny, because that right there is one of the reasons I can't stand any kind of lesbian porn. It actually bugs me how gentle and...what's the word? Tentative it seems. If you had the guts to watch that kiss I posted earlier, you can immediately see the difference. Men kiss much more aggressively, and there seems to be more chemistry involved if a man is in the scene.

    But maybe that's my heterosexuality rearing its head.
  9. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    It probably boils down to personal preference. Like you said, you don't like the gentleness of two girls kissing, while I on the other hand think "Pink Velvet" is the best girl-on-girl stuff out there, for that very reason. I don't think two girls kissing has less chemistry than, say, the QAF clip you linked; rather, I think that the chemistry takes a different form. Just because it lacks aggression doesn't mean it lacks passion.

    Focus: Maybe it's because I'm jaded, and it takes something very extreme to faze me, but I can watch two dudes make out (or have sex, even) and not think anything of it. It doesn't excite me, nor does it repulse me. I'd probably just look and say, "Oh, how 'bout that." Then I'd go back to eating my Cocoa Puffs.

    Besides, as much straight porn as I've seen in my lifetime, the sight of another man's junk doesn't even register anymore.
  10. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I was just bringing up the gentleness as a possible factor why more women (that I've talked to, anyways) prefer it to regular hetero vids. Some of my fave vids are girls kissing/licking softly, but some of my REALLY fave vids are of one (or more) girl(s) completey dominating and getting rough with another girl. My point being lesbian porn doesn't in any way automatically equal "gentle", and even then, to me, gentle doesn't register as "less passionate".

    Oh, I hope I haven't given the impression that the sight of another guy's junk in porn weirds me out. I still watch plenty of hetero vids, especially the money shots, but like at least one person has mentioned, porn is a fantasy acted out on screen in front of me. Even though the girls in 1-on-1 vids are hot, I've had plenty of 1-on-1 sex, so watching it is less foreign to me and therefore, less thrilling. Whereas I've had almost zero threesome/lesbian experience, so watching insanely hot girls do things to each other's bums is more...pleasant.
  11. Revengeofthenerds

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    ER Frequent Flyer Platinum Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    At the core of your question, I think is the idea that men are more turned on visually (e.g. porn), whereas women are more turned on emotionally (e.g. "love"). So, if men don't find other men attractive attractive, they're most likely to get repulsed by porn. But if women don't find women attractive, they're more likely to be repulsed by conversations.

    It's apples and oranges. And this thread has more of a visual tint (because it's about porn), rather than an emotional tint. So of course the answers are going to be biased.