My Dad does this. It drives me and my mother CRAZY. My Mom is an excellent cook, and my Dad will have fucking ranch or BBQ sauce out before even tasting the chicken or beef or whatnot she's made. Hell, we went out for Greek last night in HK at a VERY good restaurant, my Dad got prawns, and he ordered a side of drawn butter before even seeing or tasting them. For fucks sake, we're not at a New England seafood house where the shit is just steamed and tossed out. It was well flavored with olive oil and garlic. You can take the man out of Sheboygan and send him around the world to the tune of 2MM miles plus on United, but you cant take Sheboygan out of the man.
Alt Focus: I love sour cream, probably from my Russian upbringing, and so use it as a condiment and sauce in places others don't. Ravioli with sour cream, dipping fries (sweet potato and regular), dipping cheese sticks, etc. etc. So good. Anti-focus: I hate how people fetishize certain foods like steak, bacon, and coffee. I like bacon too, but the joke is old and dead. Same with steak and coffee. Yes, you can live without them, and no, you're not extra manly because your Facebook status talks about eating a still living cow. Get a grip.
Mayo is awesome. I used to put it on corned beef when I was a kid. Cheese makes nearly everything better. Americans can't cook bacon worth a shit. I never do hot drinks. To be fair I've enjoyed nearly everything I've tried with the exception of a couple of vegetables and the crustaceaous kind of seafood.
I'm trying really hard not to cut you right now. I have to have coffee every morning. I'm not talking about shit, or doing shit, until I have my coffee. It tastes good, and gets me in a good mood. I will drink coffee from morning until I go to sleep, winter, summer or in between. Black. Bacon is delicious don't get me wrong but it is kinda a chore to make it sometimes, especially cleaning up after, so I'm gonna let you slide with that one. Steak though, FUUUUUUUCK YOOOOOOOOUUUUUUU. I'm not one of those guys who worries about how is has to be a certain shade of pink or red. Different cuts, ideally, should be cooked to different preparations. But not every circumstance is ideal. It shouldn't be leathery, and the only two things that taste good when they bleed are my wife and carpaccio (kidding, about my wife). Beyond that, provided you have a little common sense when buying it, steak is basically impossible to fuck up. Toss on some salt and pepper and serve. Garlic salt if you wanna be fancy. A steak dust if you really wanna get up there. Chicken or fish or pork or whatever other type of protein you want -- they all require you doing special shit to them and paying extra attention. Steak, just toss it on a grill or in a pan and try to not let it catch on fire for too long. Just to spite you guys, this weekend I'm gonna make a carpaccio drizzled with a homemade duck egg mayo and kalamata olive pieces. Because fuck y'all.
People can like steak; enjoy it, have a day. But the endless excessive odes to a fucking slab of meat that people write are tiresome. Basically, it's currently trendy to do the following; worship bacon, blame being an asshole for not having had some coffee, yammer about how everyone else is cooking steak wrong, and be cynical about everything (not a food thing, just another annoying way people try to be "cool"). Just... enjoy your food and maybe take a valium about it. Alt Focus: Another weird food thing I do is I will order a bowl of whipped cream for dessert. I like whipped cream and it's a bit of sweetness without having to kill my diet the way ice cream would. But, it's also kind of a fun social experiment to see how the waitress reacts, how much they give me, how much they charge me, whether or not they give me a spoon (I have no idea why this is variable, but it is), and so on.
Well, I really like a good steak and have for many years. And will after the trend has passed. If I eat out, I order it rare, no sauce. Because that's how I like it. If it comes out medium rare, I don't complain or send it back. I mean, what are they going to do, uncook it? Besides we've all heard the stories. So, I eat the rarest parts, leave the rest and put another eatery on my Never Again list It's not my job to teach the chef how to cook. Never had a bad steak at Pacific Dining Car or Morton's; Ruth's Chris is mediocre and over-priced. Monte's simply sucks. A former GF's father was a very successful attorney. He loved to eat out at upscale rstaurants and he and his wife would often take the GF and I out to dinner. He always asked for a mushroom salad. Who the fuck has that on the menu. Social experiment, as above. Once he got what looked very much like canned sliced mushrooms with Thousand Island dressing. Credit where credit is due, he ate it nd didn't complain.He also thought of himself as a great wit (a truly unwarented assumption). He would make incessant jokes using the waitperson as his foil. That poor sod had to at least smile at the world's lamest repartee'. The GF and I would just roll our eyes while his wife would just say "Oh, Burt." Fun times.
My ex's Dad, who is a big, burly white haired motorcycle dude, would order a glass of milk on the side any time we went out to eat. Whether or no the waiter/ess remembered the glass of milk for this unlikely looking milk drinker would determine the size of their tip.
Ive travelled all over and had bacon in Europe and Asia, and am more than happy to poke fun at some of the bullshit involved in the way Americans eat and our cuisine...however you're absolutely full of shit with this. If you're referring to a preference for British style back bacon over the pork belly style of American bacon? Then fair enough, to each their own. However, if you're referring to preparation or usage, then you and your vegemite loving ass can fuck right off.
Or an elegant tomato souse over char:
Yeah I'm in the boat of thinking that bernaise, peppercorn, those kinda things don't really count. Yes, they're sauces technically. But they're not A1, ketchup, hp, gravy, etc. They enhance the flavor, not mask it. That's the key difference.
So I know the jokes are endless, and I participate in them, but mayo, really, why do people like that? I can accept people liking eyeballs, chitlins, tripe, brains, insects etc, but mayo really? Also I know fish spooge became trendy for a while, no thanks not for me
Have you ever seen anyone put ketchup on a steak? Must be like watching someone smack a child in public
Yes, all the time in Texas. Some cowboy orders a massive juicy steak and smothers it in ketchup. Also I will absolutely spank my son in public if he deserves it. I'm correcting the action then on the spot. But spanking vs smacking, there's a difference.
Even our president does.