For me there's no better feeling than walking by a line of women waiting to use the bathroom at a house party and simply stepping outside, pissing quickly and easily wherever I want. Sometimes I'll make a second trip by them just to rub it in. I don't need to piss, but I might just go because I can.
I work in a pharmacy, so whenever comes in picking up a prescription for Valtrex, I giggle a little bit in side. Should I feel bad that an innocent college kid has a disease that will haunt him/her the rest of their life? Maybe. Do i feel bad? Not in the least. It also makes me happy when a 22 year old guy comes in a picks up a prescription for propecia. Sorry buddy, your genes suck. On the flip side, when a girl brings in a guy to buy her Plan B, I get a little sad that I wasn't the one who raw-dogged her last night.
I quit smoking about five months ago. A lot of people said that it was the hardest thing they've ever done, and I don't doubt it. It wasn't so bad for me. I still get cravings when I drink, but that's about it it. I decided that if it was so easy to quit smoking, that I'd lose weight as well. I have dropped 50 lbs. in the past 12 weeks and plan on losing another 30. This is harder than quitting smoking, but it's not the end of the world. Actually I like pushing myself, especially with measuralbe results. I like taking on challenges where I win or I lose based on the strength of my will. It makes me feel stronger.
Something that gives me a lift is thinking of how relieved I am that I renounced Christianity. As mentioned before, I had low self-esteem growing up. When I became a Christian as a teenager, it did make me happy for a while, finally having more of a social outlet. In fact, the community is the only part I sometimes miss. What made me feel like shit for 15 years is what Christians would call my “walk with God.” Being religious is supposed to make you feel warm and fuzzy right? It just made me confused and feel bad about myself for far too long. I could go into detail about why this is, but this post is already getting too long. Suffice it to say, since I’d already been in that state before I “got saved” it was a familiar enough way of feeling that I didn’t see the bullshit for the trees. A few years ago I finally broke free of the mindfuck and now any time I hear a Christian justifying their beliefs, I laugh and laugh.
Haha, it is interesting you bring that up. I happen to have went to high school with Ashely from the first season. ( you know, the dude that was in like 10 fights on that one season) He was a total jackass. Really a cool dude, we had a lot of good times during football and wrestling season, but still he did some of the most rediculous things I have ever witnessed. Just as a reminder to the idiocy of this fellow. Here is a vid that was shot at a local party spot that teenagers have been gathering in for the last 20-25 years, known as wink's cabin. And here is another one that highlights just how retarded he his. (just to clarify, i say these negative things, but the guy is actually a blast to chill with, just dumber than a box of rocks) These video's dont even come close to the top of his hiliarity, the man is a total goldmine of unintentional comedy. And if you can believe it, his 60 year old father is almost as bad as he is. Plus they are both golden gloves boxers. Focus: I lived in the very small county where this guy is from for 25 years. I ventured out a couple of times only to come right back within a year. I met the love of my life here and my best friends in the whole world have lived here and died here. However, I had to get out. I thought going back to school would be just the best decision ever. I was going to a small school there and making really good grades, making the people in my classes look like idiots and generally a really big fish in a small pond. However,I moved to the (on game day) largest city in the state, to go to a much bigger school that offered programs that would fit my idea's of a future life. Boy was I in for a treat, these people make me look fuckin stupid. It's so nice after all those years of being known by everyone, and in the public eye to just be completely anonymous.
Here's another self-esteem builder. I've made some huge mistakes in my lifetime, but at least none of them are permanently etched on my skin. ... -on-women/
It makes me feel awesome when I'm better at something than a man. I can filet a fish, and have it still be alive when I'm finished. I take pride in that because the only other person I know who can do that is my Dad. My brothers friends come over and I can beat them when we play basically any video game. Guitar hero, Skate and skate 2, NHL, Madden, UFC, Forza 2, Halo 3. That's what makes me feel good.
When I worked at a cancer center for a year and a half, I felt like shit for what the people were going through, and it also helped put in perspective some of my trivial shit: Ankle surgery? At least I don't have terminal cancer. Bad chinese food giving me flaming diarrhea? At least I don't have terminal cancer. As far as the focus goes: Other guys don't hit on my wife, mostly because she gives off a great "Fuck off" vibe, but I know that every guy that she walks by turns to look at her ass. She's got one of those great bubble butts that looks good in jeans, dresses, whatever, and it's nice to know that it's all mine. I tell her all the time, "You realize that every time you go out, pretty much every guy who looks at you wants that ass, right?" It's fun to make her blush and say, "No they don't!" Then, I proceed to get her naked and ravage her.
I don't know about the rest of you, but seeing some of the questions in the Yahoo Answers thread does wonders for my self-esteem. I also love getting a test back that I prepared for minimally or not at all and having a better grade than friends who actually studied and read the material. Or getting an A on a midterm paper I wrote while hammered. That was pretty cool too. If only this strategy worked every time.
I was swimming laps at the pool the other day, and the special olympics team had a couple of lanes rented. As I was swimming, I noticed that I was faster than all of them; I was a little shocked at the slight satisfaction I got from this. I mean yeah, it would be shitty if I wasn't a better swimmer than them, but how pathetic is it that I have to compare myself to handicapped people to feel good? What's next, speed walking past someone in leg braces?
A winning week in fantasy football (both leagues), a GT win, a Redskins win, and because I'm now married, a Miami win. It's only happened once this year, by God Damn I touched myself when it happened. Really doe. I work for the USMC on the acquisition side of the house and the program I work on can best be described as a dumpster fire. Seriously. No active contract, no funding, no leadership, no interest. And I'm just the engineer. I honestly feel like I work three jobs (at or about 70% of full effort each), and keep spinning my wheels, but my peers constantly stroke my ego as I'm the only one that cares / knows what the fuck is going on...or the only one on the program that has a full set of chromosomes. The higher-ups bash my team lead behind his back; and sometimes right in front of his face to say: "Um Natty, you take this one ['cause this guy's a turbo-donkey]." But when the item at hand is consistently and completely out of my paygrade; or it's shit out of my core discipline...I want to say "Fuck It", Uh, sorry, I'm reviewing some schematics or some bullshit. But I can't do it, which gets noticed...but I work for the government which means absolutely NOTHING. And for some reason everyone loves my fucking wife. Don't get it. Just an example, we went to a Caps game / bar outing on Friday night she was ready for bed when we got back to her brother's house. I asked her to just see if she'd like the party at the neighbor's house and she obliged. She walked in for two (maybe 10) minutes, left and went to bed. I was there until 5AM listening to how awesome she was and getting asked why she left like she had been hangin' out for hours. Fuck the lot of you, I'm so much cooler than her.