I had an ex call me to tell me she had the clap. I hadn't fucked her in 4 years, so I don't know why she needed to tell me.
Getting up at 5 to drive two hours to take a police civil service test. I'm a white male with average test scores. What a waste of time.
Adding a rep comment, that makes three of us. We're all being civil and lucid now. Give it a few hours and the Sailor will strike.
I don't know if they could afford anything past Public Access, oh well. Wildcat Strong was my teenager/welfare beer because it was cheap and got you fucked up in a hurry. We used to sneak about four bottles each when we went to bars, it was fun watching the barback pick up our empties afterwards wondering where the fuck they came from. It sure beats the piss out of Canada's white trash methhead beer of choice: ...dudes who drink this usually don't wear clothes made after 1993 and have jumper cables sitting on their kitchen table.
Ha. A nearby city was recently sued for racial discrimination due to having too few black cops. The city was forced to redo their testing system to be more fair or whatever. The proposed changes weren't good enough, so the city had to make a new test. After waiting a few months for the scores, the city was forced to throw the results out because based on the test results, they still wouldn't have been hiring enough black officers. Go affirmative action, right?
I have to get up at 6 am to take my Praxis II exam tomorrow morning. Why the fuck do these tests have to be so early in the morning? Would it really kill them to give the exam at, say, 9 or 10 am instead of 7:30?
While pumping gas today, I saw a cop car fly past going the wrong way down a busy 4-lane highway. He didn't get another 100 yards before I heard the crash and the guy at the next pump started laughing. Watching the news later that day, they didn't mention how the cop was going the wrong way, then tried to blame the woman he hit head-on for not paying attention. Fucker put a mother and an infant in the hospital and he's probably going to get a medal for getting injured in the line of duty.
They actually invited me to join them once Jake and Amir get tired of using their only joke. So...never.
I have a 12 hour work day tomorrow. All I have on hand is some Green Apple Vodka. I think I need to drink so I don't think about work. I should be super stoked about 60 hour workweeks, right?
I'm the third Sailor Jerry. I just ran out of Coke Zero, so it's back to Jerry and Dr. Pepper, aka "The Nectar of the Gods". I was just showing my wife some "Lonely Island" because she likes Akon, and came across this video. I almost pissed my pants laughing.
Sugarfree Red Bull > Regular Red Bull yet Sugarfree Red Bull + cheap bourbon is significantly worse than regular Red Bull + cheap bourbon
Here drunks, help me philosophizille and shit: Identify and explain the metaphysical concepts that are depicted in the story “They’re Made of Meat.” Present Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and discuss the relevant metaphysical and epistemological concepts. Explain Descartes’ use of the bee’s wax in his discussion of his rational epistemology. Explain John Locke’s distinction between primary and secondary qualities and their relevance for his empiricist epistemology. Explain the ontological argument for the existence of God (presented by St Anselm and Descartes) and comment on its validity. Explain how existentialism and feminism are both revolts against traditional philosophy. What is the purpose of the social contract in Thomas Hobbes’ vision of social and political philosophy?