I'm made out of green-coloured lollipops and angels and kittens in baskets. When I walk down the street, "Sunshine Day" plays loudly like a movie score. Everybody high-fives me or flips me the "double guns". Then I stand on soap box, piss my pants and scream about Jesus through a bullhorn for four straight hours. Life.
War of the Rebellion, War Between the States, etc. I can never talk about it without being conflicted. I'm a tried and true southern boy, who's family lineage was almost wiped out while fighting for the Union. Amurricah.
Can anyone explain to me how Fast and the Furious Five has almost 80% positive reviews on rottentomatoes.com? I've all but given up on Hollywood these days.
I haven't seen the movie, but I'm willing to bet that Paul Walker played a masterful [every character Paul Walker has ever played].
Civil War history is a bit of a hobby for me, can't say I've ever heard that one before. Are you making it up or is that a real term? War of Northern Aggression is a cute little name that people like to toss around, but the War Between the States is how a lot of southerners referred to it, officially and in casual conversation. Hell, it's been put on government stamps and memorials.
I'm pretty sure he was making a grammar joke - like, when it's two people (or states) use "between;" when it's more than two, use "among." (Or, in this case, amongst.)
Notwithstanding your personal opinion, I wonder what most people who describe themselves as "tried and true southern boys" would say we would do with the middle east. I'd say at least 90% of them would seriously suggest we turn it into the world's largest glass parking lot. Irony. In other news, I failed at poker tonight. Which is fine because who needs it anyways? There are redheads with amazing asses to stare at. Like woah fuck seriously that ass was better than my girlfriend's, and I am otherwise a huge fan of my girlfriend's ass. AND ON A REDHEAD. She was like Anne of Green Gables all growed up in all the right places.
Generally, the Rules of Grammar state "between" should be used when only two options are presented or when more than two options are presented that are distinct. (It's a common misconception to use between for two items, and among for more than two.) "Among" is used when it's a mass of multiple, nondistinct things. "He chose between the circle, the square and the triangle." "She chose the volunteer from among the crowd." Grammatically correct or not, the historical term "War Between the States" is the only one I've heard.
Before and after slider of the Tuscaloosa tornado. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/04/29/us/before-after-satellite-images-showing-tornado-destruction.html?ref=us" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011 ... tml?ref=us</a> The large building just below the line of destruction is the McFarland Mall; that's McFarland and 15 Street, if you're reading any of the news. Due north at the very edge of the map is my apartment in college. A tornado hit the exact same area when I was in college. And by exact same area, I mean I'm about 90% sure it hit that very intersection and the same lots. And yeah, War Amongst the States was a grammar joke, I've never heard anyone say it.
"War of Northern Aggression"? Do they really call it that? It was 150 years ago and some southeners still buy into their own bullshit. Look, people. People take their sides about the American Civil War, and lots of Southeners seem to support the Confederacy because their ancestors supposedly fought in said war, but you're forgetting that they were FIGHTING FOR THE WRONG SIDE. The main focus of that war in the first place is one side wanted to keep black people as pets, and one didn't. Sugar coat it all you want.
I once read on the back bumper of a pickup that "the South is gonna rise again", so us Northerners probably shouldn't get too cocky.
The main focus of the war was whether the federal government had the power to impose its will on the states. Slavery was just the hot-button issue. Yes, slavery was wrong, but ending it did completely wreck the southern economy, so it's hard to fault the southerners for resisting. I wish slavery would have died out on its own, as issues like abortion and gay marriage are probably much better handled at the state level. And before people start bitching. If you want to get gay-married, maybe Kansas isn't the best place to live. It's like the assholes here in Ohio who decided that no one should be allowed to smoke in public because they're entitled to sit next to a smoker and tell them what to do.
I think Poopourri is right. I only hear it called the War of Northern Aggression in a very tongue-in-cheek manner, sort of making fun of the people who call it the War Between the States. As for between/among, I think between is correct. It could be shorthand for "War between the Northern and Southern states." Between is correct, because you've got two things, even if they're corporate nouns. It'd be the same as saying WWII was fought among the US, UK, Germany, Japan, China, etc, but was fought between the Axis and Allies. Or, it could refer to the physical location, as in the war occurred along the border between the two factions, as opposed to the revolution which had battles all over.
San Jose won! Holy shit, my pool is all Boston and SJ players, I didn't figure either team would make it past the 2nd round but this is a pretty good start. And I totally just jinxed myself by saying this.