Maybe he had a cunt encounter, and is trying to deal with it. The drunk thread is a great place for therapy. Thank you, Dcc, that is a tasty man.
Maybe you shouldn't have put out on the first date, Ssycko. Now she doesn't respect you, and she got what she wanted so why would she want to see you again? Slut.
I've had a girl or two suddenly change their mind on me, or act in discourteous ways, after sending what would reasonably be considered signals that they would like to see me. Despite the misadventures, you don't see me declaring that I'm completely mistrustful of women. And if someone were to look on those misadventures as reasons to distrust women, they'd be missing the fucking point, unless they were trying to pursue the girls in question. Ssycko, if you want my advice (and I recently did have a big cunt encounter, so) the only way to respond to an ambush is with decisive and aggressive action. Hemming and hawing will only serve to wind up with greater heartache and missed opportunities while you're busy moping. In whatever method of communication you choose, state it directly: I quite liked our time together, would like to try it again sometime, are you in or out? If she's out, then so are you. Best case scenario, she was playing hard to get or needed to pull her head out of her ass and she appreciates your confidence, honesty, and straight-forwardness. Worst case scenario, you've significantly freed up your personal time so you can drink to get over her. Real-case scenario, she says she appreciates how honest and straight-forward you are but is busy having crazy monkey sex with some idiot who is most assuredly shorter than you, less good-looking, not as well-endowed, and who is clearly lacking in both intestinal and testicular fortitude. If you want more advice, go ask the sages from the Orkney Islands: Other options include: -revenge bang her younger, hotter sister -keep her as friends on facebook and put up pictures and updates of you doing incredibly awesome things so she can see what she's missing -entertain fantasies of randomly running into her (despite the sheer improbability of this) and doing a wicked combination of not giving her the time of day and verbally ripping her a new one leaving her feeling two feet tall Note that "getting over yourself" is not an option.
Dcc... I say the same thing about his athleticism. I think he'd be good at anything, provided he was competing. I can't figure out if I love or hate his tattoo sleeves.
I'm not even sure if I am capable of drinking anymore without getting "the worst hangover of my life." Every time. And yes, in case you were wondering, they are, indeed, remodeling the apartment above mine today. Only a god can save me now.
I think I just saw Faye Reagan pumping gas. If it wasn't her, she was the hottest redhead I've seen in the flesh.
Oh no worries, I did the "straightforward blahblahblah" and I'm seeing her tomorrow. But hey, isn't it fun to hem and haw every once in a while? I never get to do that.
If it's the latter, how will he ever know? Or is this one of those rare circumstances where knowledge isn't power?
On this note, did you ever wonder if Oedipus, in the brief moments before killing himself, had considered that he'd rather have simply not known about who his wife was and continued living a lie?
If I thought I saw Faye Reagan in the flesh, I'd just walk up and talk to her. "Hey, are you Faye Reagan? What's up?" I couldn't live without confirmation.
I once saw Bree Olson shopping on my street in Chicago with other people and casually walked by and said "Hi Bree" and continued about my business. Her face was pretty damn amusing. As for ssycko, I'm glad his shit worked out, and while I'll agree that his gross generalization was a bit excessive, I can see where he is coming from. You get 2-3 girls in a row that just shut down communications after more interactions than just a simple, superficial encounter, you start getting a bit jaded. Sure you get over it, but for awhile its fairly fucked up. I'm sitting in that camp right now.
Hayhayhayhay woah there, I wasn't making any generalizations. I was making very specific-ilizations. That was some other guy. And I accept those challenges, although yeah I'm not sure how I could ever find out. Maybe like a little questionnaire, "Did you just suck some guys dick, checkyescheckno?"