I pan fry steak with portabella mushrooms and red wine, maybe some red onion occasionally. Delicious. I was supposed to be doing hair and my appointment canceled. So the bottle of vodka in the freezer seduced me. Damn.
I don't know, I assume like every other guy that is even semi famous and is propositioned for sex on a regular basis as long as you were up to his standards he'd probably at least let her suck his dick in the closest bathroom. I mean, what other point is there to being famous?
Can both you and Nom stop ruining my dreams between here and the TiBette thread? I KNOW THESE GUYS, OKAY?
I can think of no better way to end my geeky-yet-awesome weekend than by what I'm doing right now. The boyfriend and I are sharing a bottle of wine, some granny smith apple and sharp cheddar, and playing Star Wars Trivial Pursuit. He kicked my ass first round, but I am gearing up for a comeback. Best of 3 - Loser folds the laundry. So we're clear, this constitutes an "exciting night" when you're my age/level of awesome.
That's nowhere near the point. The point is whether she'll still want to go down on him after expecting a smooth charmer and getting a guy who thinks it's funny to wear only his boxers while acting like a tool shed at a Waffle House.
If she ever met him, she would be disappointed in the amount of drool falling from his mouth because he is severely retarded. He gives the rest of us Jewish boys a bad name. Angel: You are eating apples and cheese? Together?
Here's Maddox's take on Sasha Grey. It's hilarious. In other news, I took Li'l Bandit to an Earth Day event, and they had a climbing-wall, about 20'-25' high. As we were waiting in line, this one kid started climbing the wall and got about half-way up before I noticed he didn't have his safety harness on (none of the people in charge noticed it). I informed the people running the event, and they guided the kid down without any harm. Question: Does it make me a bad person if I considered letting the kid get as far as he could, and waiting to see if he would slip and plummet to his inevitable injury, instead of alerting the "authorities"? Because I totally thought of doing that.
I read this two ways. 1. Freecorps means Mr. Deen is actually a particularly astute, erudite gentleman that will expound on theoretical physics, while making you feel like the only woman in the room. 2. Mr. Deen is a complete dolt whose only communication skill is using his dick to pound Morse Code into your cervix. Reading these, neither sound especially intolerable. I loved reading about Jenna Jameson's father. There were massive control and boundary issues going on in any of these relationship. But, Jameson's father was one of the people that legitimately sounded like he actually had sex with his daughter. He hung around the sets and watched filming, started drama constantly. I can't imagine how greasy it is to be involved in that scene. Most of these girls, I assume, have no support system except a shady booking agent that is more like a pimp, or white trash family leeching off whatever they can. Then they have to go to work with some mental midget with an inferiority complex trying to fuck her ass through her throat.
Wait, is this movies only or also extended universe? And if extended universe how far forward? Thrawn trilogy? New Jedi Order? Legacy? Also, does it include any Dark Horse material, like Cade Skywalker or Carnor Jax? Or Clone Wars material? So many questions.
Yeah, like behavior or personality are going to stop them from fucking a celebrity. I mean sure they put a lot more emphasis on personality than guys do but I think it all goes out the window for celebrities, unless they are obnoxious douche bags to women.
One question, no looksie-upsies: What star system was the Falcon in when it detached itself from the Avenger?
I have to admit, I don't know off the top of my head, but I'm going to guess Hoth? That was the only battle in which the Falcon was pursued by an ISD. Final guess, Hoth.