I support this 100%. Dreadlocks on white people are fucking nasty and dirty. Furthermore, dreadlocks on white people is a strong indicator that our politics won't mesh - and I'm already a pretty firm liberal. Trakiel's Handy Ideology Scale: |--Stupid&Annoying*-----Liberal**-----Moderate-----Conservative-----Stupid&Offensive--| *White people with dreadlocks **Trakiel
I always wonder why white people with dreads always get the "nasty/dirty" comments, but black people with dreads get "oh sweet look at those dreads". Dreads need a lot of upkeep. If the person is lazy and doesn't take care of them, regardless if they are white or black, dreads are going to be fucking disgusting. Although you'd like to think it has to do with hair type or ethnicity, it really is nothing more than proper initial dreading and upkeep. And no, I don't have dreads, but I did consider getting them at one point. The continuous upkeep was enough to discourage me from trying.
I think the issue is that white hair is normally thinner, so it doesn't lock as easily. This leads to two issues -- locks that are thicker or "messier", and a greater reliance on outside agents to keep the hair in place. There's a huge spectrum of hair kinkiness, and a lot of different things play into how they'll turn out. Your point is well-taken though -- a white person with fairly thick hair who is diligent about upkeep can totally work locs. However, most white people that I've seen go through what is a somewhat different process than the black people I've seen.
Game Of Thrones season 2 episode 3 is on in an hour and a half. This makes me pleased. Also, I will be on G+ tomorrow morning (tonight for you Americans and Canadians) so hit me up if you want to do a hangout!
I'm a little late to the party, but I finally bought a PS3 today. This will be my first new console since super nintendo. I've relied solely on my computer for my gaming needs for the past 12 years. The whole joystick thing is going to be weird. Good deal on the PS3 or Xbox360 at gamestop online. $199 for the console and you get either Arkham City or MK free.
What a fucking day. It's 2pm and I've: saved one client $1.4 million dollars, had four conference calls with Environment Canada, skyped with one client whose skype ID made me laugh so hard I fell out of my chair and spent an hour doing a PS3 dance-off with my bosses (I won. Bitches.). In that vein, I have requested that the boy take me out tonight for beverages. Black velvets have been treating me well lately. I intend to put a few back and hit shamelessly on the tattooed bartender at our pub. She's lovely.
And it's also the anniversary of the Columbine massacre! Suck on that, hippies/stoners. I'm surprised that Google didn't have some clever new look today. (For either of the three reasons mentioned.)
I didn't realize it would be so hard to lighten the damn mood in this thread. Let me try AGAIN: [rnsfw][/rnsfw]
I always thought dreadlocks as a hairstyle, black or white, is always an awful idea. Unless you like looking like a Chia pet, but hey, to each their own.
Huh. My previously-local news station "accidentally" aired 3 minutes of gay porn during this morning's news report.
If you're not weirded out or laugh at any of these, you have no soul. <a class="postlink" href="http://blog.tastebuds.fm/worst-album-covers-of-all-time/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://blog.tastebuds.fm/worst-album-co ... -all-time/</a>
WHY IS EVERYONE STILL TALKING ABOUT DREADLOCKS?!!! And more importantly, why do you make the connection that everybody smoking weed today has them? I thought the vast majority of people smoking today were the most "normal" looking ones. But maybe it's just because I'm in Oregon and that shit is everywhere. anyway, tits.