Oh my fucking god. The guy in the apartment nextdoor just blares Nothing Else Matters by Metallica over and over again. He did it a few days ago at 3 am. Just get over the break up or off yourself dude.
Wait, did the system glitch? Did he actually say something I agree with? Where's my meds....WHERE ARE MY MEDS?!!?!?!?!
Re:dreads I don't pre judge people for born traits. But if you are white, and have dreads, fuck you, I know exactly how you think, what your political views are, and know how much you want weed to be legalized.
Warning - Warning - Warning - Firecrotch Ginger NSFW And for those who are anti-Ginger NSFW For those who want something different, exotic. This girl is no slumdog.... NSFW
So any of my peoples out there? There are fifty people in Victoria Park downtown and twice as many police. I hope this goes viral because it's humiliating.
I melted the bottom of my microwave door a few minutes ago. Whoever was the idiot who started the trend of placing microwaves directly above gas stoves to "give the appearance of a spacious counter top" you sir owe me a new microwave door. Granted, I added a TOUCH too much whiskey to the onions I was sauteing, but still...
Marihuana is a gateway drug alright... A gateway to the realization that the war on drugs is completely retarded and the only interests being considered here are the DEA's budget. Yeah, legalizing would be great for the economy, but bad for the public sector. I read about a bust in Kentucky that had been under surveillance for a year that netted 5 plants (and the cops took the soil as evidence). Are we in bizzarro world? How many lives couldve been saved? The only thing outlawing pot does is undermine our legal system and tie up resources. Move on, people. It's a plant. If a seed falls to the ground and germinates, i'm making a citzen's arrest on the dirt.
Not to mention the profits of tobacco and alcohol companies. Another intoxicant on the market isn't cause for a moral panic. It's competition for these people.
So I know this song is totally ridiculous, and yet I cannot stop listening to it... I had an ex who used to say, whenever this song came on the radio, "this song totally reminds me of you." Um...thanks?
Which are both leading causs of preventable deaths. How about the legal, synthetic weed that's caused several deaths? Irony at its finest. The war on drugs is propoganda, plain and simple. The war on pot was created by early lobbyists.
I used to play this dominoes game called Train with my family. Best friend is at my parents' house with my brother. My dad has convinced me to play with them over skype... I can't believe I finished off the rum a couple nights ago. Godamnit.
I'm about to have a "neighbourhood meeting" to determine the fate of a series of driveways in the area. I'm not happy about my participation, but my fat-head next door neighbour and I share a driveway, and he is spearheading the movement. I might hire someone to shit on his lawn. Who calls a neighbourhood meeting for 7pm on a Friday night? Asshat.
People who want to get their way, of course. You think he's an asshat. He's actually pretty brilliant.
One of my dreadlocked friends used to get wound up as she was constantly asked if she had, or knew anyone selling drugs at raves and always got searched by security. She didn't like it when I pointed out it wasn't because of the dreads, but because she smelt like a bong rip and had pupils the size of dinner plates. The one bonus of going out with people with dreads is that as long as your relatively presentable, you'll very rarely get searched by security/police as all their time is taken up searching the dread heads. Even though I'm an off again, on again stoner, I'm not celebrating 4/20 in any way. Every time I've smoked with my stoner friends, conversation inevitably turns to politics (and of course, drug legislation), leaving me with the strong desire to shove a lit joint in each ear in the hope that it burns out my ear drums, lest I be subjected to an hour of 'why the system is fucked'. Instead I've got a bottle of wine, Community and intact ear drums. I consider this a win