The guy who left them to go to their bitter rival? Random Figo story I remember reading. So he still lives in Madrid and he is married to a Swedish model. So his kids obviously speak Spanish living in Madrid, but they go to an English language school. When they are at home, Figo speaks to them in Portuguese and his wife speaks to them in Swedish. So these kids are speaking 4 languages at a young age, just nuts. Meanwhile I know alot of people that can barely speak 1.
I am such an asshole, one of the guys i work with left his facebook page open on his computer when he left for lunch, so i sabotaged his chance of getting laid this weekend by putting "I need to get laid this weekend ... so lonely"
That's nothing. I was looking at a tablet at a store and some roided out dudebro left his profile signed in. 10 minutes later, he was now gay, interested in men, and every non-homoerotic picture on his profile was deleted. I was hoping against hope that one of his friends said that they saw it coming. Unfortunate.
Oh we doin' the sexy gifs thing now? aight speaking of fit chicks... dat core strength. NSFW underwater boning NSFW NSFW
Here's that same girl from the gif. How to fall in love: ...SWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON. And, it's drinking time.
I have a long night of paper writing ahead of me. However, I managed to recruit the girl to keep me company on Skype while I worked. Things were looking bright. However, I just got to the office and the girl called up and said her friend needs to crash with her tonight so she won't be able to give me company. Then I realized I had almost no coffee grinds left, so now I'm drinking the wateriest cup of coffee ever. 13 DAYS UNTIL FREEDOM (sort of). At least I have this: WOOOOOHOOOOHOOOOO SHHHIT.
While I could bore you with a lengthy story on the metaphorical fire I've spent six hours on what should have been a much-needed productive Saturday extinguishing, in the best interests of your attention span and scroll wheel I'll truncate it to a two-sentence synopsis, as follows: For our first anniversary, I surprised my wife with a lovely Howard Miller wall clock and an inspirational book for young couples. For our first anniversary, my wife surprised me with a canoe.
Sa hello to spring weather in the Nasty. 75 sunny two days ago. 50 degrees and rainy overcast today. It's supposed to be in the 30's tonight. Won't break until mid May.
Good god, I fucking hate my friends cat like behavior bullshit. Probably one of the funnest dudes to hang out with and outgoing guys I know. Acts like a goddamn cat to get ahold of. He basically contacts three people on a consistent basis out of our group of 7 or 8 friends, two of the three aren't even in our core group. The rest are lucky to get ahold of him once a year unless he wants to do something specifically with us or it's fantasy sports related. Not that he is a shut in but when ever we go out he basically only contacts our one friend. This also includes already being out. Like if we have to split up for cabs and contact needs to be made? Good luck. He is a cat dude, as in, he has cats he worships, no dogs. What really chaps my ass is one of the three dudes he does contact, one of the two outside our group. Is by far the biggest douchebag one Earth. The guy thinks Vampire Weekend is the pinnacle of music. Aside from that he likes to try to get us to fuck the girls he picks up with him or while he watches. Douche Bag also let slip during a blow out argument with his longtime girlfriend in front of my friends that she liked to give rimjobs. She was one of the sweetest nicest girls in our high school. My cat like friend had to plead with us not to contact Douche when ever he was having people over his house because douche is destructive drunk that has fucked up many a friends' apartments. This is the guy my friend calls instead of the rest of us. Shits weak. Anyway, Im trying to get downtown with him for this band I am supposed to see. No where to be heard from.
It was 42 degrees here today and raining pretty hard in the late morning and early afternoon. Very windy too. Terrible weather for the first shooting competition of the year... like the worst I've had to deal with yet at a range. Fucking brutal on scores. Thankfully I have a party in a private room at a bar to attend tonight and whiskey in the near future. Let's see if I can erase today from my memory...
Same Same. It's fucking cold and gloomy here in Cleveland after being perfect the last two days. Going out for my friend's 30th birthday, damn we be gettin' old.
Okay. How is it that last weekend I went back to this girl's place, basically just fooled around in her bed for the entire next day, I leave thinking "Oh I kinda like this girl" and with 100% confidence that I'm going to see her again shortly (based on how clearly into me she was)(VERY CLEAR), and now it's like pulling goddamn teeth to try and see her again? The fuck? Also this song should play every day, regardless of what's going on around me: