Not to burst your bubble, but any guy hitting on you at a club when you're both drinking/drunk is never gonna be Casanova. Look elsewhere and you'll find the demographic will change.
You're operating under the delusion that at first glance you're any different from the literally 3 billion women on the planet. What on God's green earth is going to convince a guy to invest all manner of thought, effort and wit into crafting the most unique and original pick up line for a girl who: -Could easily be taken/lesbian/uninterested -Has to this point demonstrated absolutely zero worth beyond her appearance Yeah, if you talk to the guy for an hour and he's still thoroughly unoriginal then feel free to rant, but because he uses cliche icebreakers to try an initiate conversations? You've been posting here a while and you've yet to generate as much wit in all those postings that you seem to expect your average single guy to pack into an opening line.
Yeah, your mom got pissed I didn't call for mother's day. What can I say, I didn't want to be reminded of the bulbous head that wrecked that vagina.
Not true. I've done some impressive ass shit in bars talking to girls. Or, at least that's what my drunk self thought was going on.
Anybody else think that this is Aetius's go-to line while picking up girls (who we all know are nothing but vapid skanks). Guess it is back to the drawing board.
I've heard this before, it not to be a dick like Aetius, but its 50% of your fault. I say that because 50% of communication is non-verbal. Even though you might think you're being outward and talking to friends, if you're standing with your arms crossed and aren't smiling very much you could still be giving off that vibe. It also comes down to what you're wearing and how you have your hair set. Also, I disagree with that whole "Oh you can't meet people in bars" shit that Aetius through out also. Normal people go to bars and you can meet people there. Its all about communication and going to a place that fits your personality.
Guys, I think she was just ranting to kind of get it off her chest, I don't think she was really looking for a complete dissection of her personality and analysis of her dating ability.
I think you're on the wrong message board, this is the one where we abusively dissect other people's thoughts for amusement value. I'm sure Hallmark has a comment section that would be more your speed.
Also clip sentences out of context to make them sound gay. It's just value added. EDIT: And of course, just before I write this, scootah comes in and proves my point. Well done, sir.