Okay Boys and Girls. Dating has become a minefield of paranoia and mind games. Everything from negging to waiting three days to call to peacocking-it's all horseshit. It sorta works for the mouthbreathers, they manage to keep breeding, to the detriment of society. Smart people make encounters interesting because they ARE interesting. They don't have to rehearse small blows to a woman's self esteem so she knows that he is, in fact, a man. She doesn't have wear her hair in a certain way just so he knows she wants his cock. Just be real. Move out of your mom's basement. Don't complicate simple human interaction. Fuck.
That's great advice, if you're good looking, have a great personality, and a good job. For the everyone else, the best strategy is Cheat to Win.
All the PUA shit is for people who don't have a fucking clue about how to be social. So, instead of learning how to BE social, or learn how to carry on an interesting conversation about shit, they go and learn fucktard terms like "negging" and a few little manipulative tricks to take advantage of other morons who don't know any better. They are nothing more than simple, stupid bar tricks... and once you see them once, their "magic" is gone, and you're back to being a social retard. It's one step up from your first school dance where everyone's just sitting against the wall being catatonic. Yeah, you might get your dick wet, maybe even more than once, but I'd eat a gun before ever getting into any kind of serious relationship with someone that actually fell for any of that PUA crap. Really, if you want to learn how to "pick up" somebody, go do something interesting. You know, to MAKE yourself interesting. Have interesting shit to say. Put yourself out there, and just talk to people. Develop something called a "personality", and people will interact with you. But let's face it, if you're young, and stupid, have no personality, and are surrounding yourself by other young and stupid people, the PUA shit is probably your best bet to get your dick wet. Just don't try and sell it to the rest of us like it's some voodoo magic that unlocks the secrets to women. It's not.
I love how you, someone who admits to failing miserably, is telling the rest of us what works. What she said is great advice, period.
That is not true. You may be surprised if you can ever comprehend that women aren't all about any of those things. Personality does matter and that is something that awareness can develop. Good looks? Love is blind. Really, really blind sometimes. Good job? As long as you are trying to better yourself, she will appreciate that. You seem to have an inferiority complex. From here, anyway.
He's an attention seeking whore, second only to Durbanite. He thrives on the attention his apparent failures in life offer, and isn't truly interested in improving on stuff, preferring to revel in his self-professed inadequacies and preach from the gutter. $0.02
Oh, and the "Cheat to Win" shit? YOU AREN'T WINNING IF YOU ARE CHEATING. You get exactly what you put into it.
All true things, especially when it comes to the initial "foot in the door" part of a relationship where you're seeing if you are compatible. However, like it or not a career, financial stability and real-world success do matter. If someone has reached their 30s and can't manage their finances or hold down a good job (or ANY job), that sets off big red sirens to me. Love isn't that blind in the long-run.
Well, if you are living in your mom's basement, poke her eyes out after you get her into the dungeon of doom.
He got paid $130 to do some free lance writing one day. That is more than Durbanite has made in the last three years combined. I enjoy BL1Ys posts a lot. Purely because he is entertaining, but I would never take advise from him. Unless he was insturcting me on how to make a website that has awesome content and will give eye cancer that is.