I'd dvr that shit and watch it repeatedly. Just put all the players in padded gear, a la football, throw up a hockey fence around the field to save the fans, and viola. That'd be some incredible entertainment. Other shit I'd like to see: - NASCAR, except the cars are built wider (so more stable), there's rubber/foam bumper rings around the vehicles, and contact is rewarded. - NBA, but with the hoops raised to 15 feet, no goal tending, and all the players wear these - golf, with bouncy balls - football, everyone is required to take steroids/HGH - swimming, add sharks - boxing, but without the gloves, and you can use your legs.... oh wait
I know I'll get made fun of, called a redneck, and told to fuck my close relatives for this, but I'm all for controlled steroid usage in pro wrestling. Those guys are on the road 350 nights of the year, wrestle up to 10 matches a week, and nagging injuries pile up. In the early 90s, Vince McMahon was in the news for all the steroid abuse in wrestling. The WWF/E eventually implemented a really stringent drug policy that covered steroids and recreational drugs, but not prescription painkillers. Then the wrestlers we all knew and loved in the 80s started dying. Of course, there will always be people who abuse the shit out of everything, and steroids are no exception. If I were in charge, I'd rather my wrestlers be on a strictly controlled diet of steroids to help them heal more quickly than be throwing down half a bottle of Percocets every night. For the record, beating your wife and sleeping with your sister is only optional if you're a fan, not required. I don't even have a sister.
If drug use became a free-for-all, I think we'd see a lot of shitty health affects in lower leagues where people aren't able to afford the constant medical surveillance required to keep hormone levels in check, not to mention the cost of the hormone itself. Professional athleticism would become something only the wealthy could do, because the amateur leagues would be dominated by the sons and daughters of people who were already rich.
I remember the whole 'doping' controversy going on with baseball when a lot of the players started walking around looking like a Mardi Gras float. I say create a separate league and let them go ape shit with it. It would be entertaining, if nothing else.