As late to the party as I am, it's raining like a sum'bitch outside. I'm as drank as a sum'bitch can be inside. I think that about evens things some way, shape, or form at any rate. Scotch makes my insides feel warm and cozy.
Oh my god Korean food is delicious. I live next to the korean ghetto and do not go there nearly enough for delicious yet cheap bulgoki. I wolfed down a plate of that (spicy, of course) and some dumplings and between those and the near litre of beer I drank before I left, damned near passed out walking home. Amazing.
My head feels like someone used a chainsaw to open the top, pissed in it, and then took a match to it.
I think women everywhere should be woken up with a finger in the ass. There is no better way to start your day.
Nice bottle of Rioja, joint of lamb in the oven. I just assembled my desk for a home office. Carving out my space. Life is good.
Started at 11:45am. Cubs Rooftop + Unlimited Hotdogs/Burgers + Goose Island Cubby Blue Beer + Two Bars After x 3 VPs AMEX cards being handed to bartenders = Hungover as shit. Last empty glass hit the table at 11pm. Thank you very much. I also may or may not hit on the VP of Finance. She's cute as fuck, what am I supposed to do. She paid for all the drinks and gave me a hug. She also had white pants on... God Bless White Pants Spoiler no that's not her.
I had sex last night for the first time in months, with the blessings of my incarcerated boyfriend. Her name was Jocelyn, and she had enormous titties. Except now she's texting me, asking me to email her pics and we should get together again soon, etc etc. Leave it to me to find a stalker right out of the gate.