Boston has an ocean? Really? Ha Ha! Ok! Yea, the tea party! Just never thought of it that way. Forgive me. I'm almost in Mexico. EDIT; and soooooooo drunken.
Last I checked, yep, that's an ocean to the east of Beantown. And huzzah for being drunk! I'm well on my way.
Are you sure? That's a fantastic ass! I may not even have to spray it first. Sorta like dirty pussy. After the first few licks, it just sorta cleans itself out?
I feel like yelling "Sound off!". My blonde ale is sadly gone. Time to switch over to the old standby, Coors Light! And here come the negative comments...
Music please: Heard this earlier. Can't get it out of my head, like LUMP. The line, "lump slipped on a kiss and tumbled into love, she spent her twenties between the sheets, life limped along at sub-sonic speeds" is so cool. I love that girl. Where are you when I need you PIMPTRESS?
You guys wanna live 20 minutes from the ocean and consider the northeast a viable plan? Absurd. I might be 90 minutes from the beach, but I can go there around 300 days a year, suck it yankees. I also can make it to (admittedly small) mountains in 90 minutes too. I've got Atlanta and Charlotte if you want a "big" city to go to. Also, any college football fans still up? I am super hyped about Marcus Lattimore this year. We're about to name a street after him if he does what everyone here expects.
That sounds like a great idea, name a street after someone before they've accomplished anything. Its kinda like Columbus naming a street after Terrell Pryor after signing day.
There is something to be said for being able to celebrate four seasons. I love the snow but hate skiing, so I would much rather have snow in Dec-Feb than have to drive over an hour to see mountains with snow.
I said if he does what people expect. George Rogers won the Heisman here in the 80's and one of the streets around the stadium is named after him. If Latti can make it to NYC for the ceremony and we dominate, that man is going to have a street, if not he's still going to be one of the best remembered player's we've ever had. What are these "seasons" you speak of?
I'm drunk and I'm going to raise a glass to the fact that KIMaster is no longer a poster on this board. This board is now perfect. Like these. NSFW Cheers x2 to Nett for banning him for 2 days that caused him to freakout and never come back. Cheers! Here! Here!
Your entire opinion is flawed based on my own biased opinions. I am also the smartest person in the world on any matter involving sports. Foreign movies that no one has ever watched are better than the slop you commoners watch. I am also an expert on video games despite the fact that I'm so cool I have not owned a tv for the past 10 years. BOW BEFORE MY INTELLECT SIMPLETONS!!!
Well, it's late. Leave you with this, TIB. From one of the best albums ever. If you don't have it, you probably suck, anyway.