Got a couple reps asking me, and I'm pretty sure it IS him. He was one of the visitors to my profile. Favorite tv/movies/etc.: It gets better. These are his other pictures: ONE LOOK! ONE LOOK?
That's not true, notice in one pic he has the 5 o'clock shadow, in the other he has a well trimmed beard. In one pic he has a collared shirt, in the other it is a t-shirt. That is versatility at it's finest right there. But, I liked him well enough. Of course, I don't find the benefit of internet arguments so will pretty much just stop responding to anything opposing my "opinions", so we never had cause to disagree openly.
The thing that bothered me about our friend here was that he seemed to disagree just to provoke an argument. He would rail on people for their choices in video games and television, then turn around and use the "I don't have a tv so I am superior" line. If you don't have a tv, how do you have such a strong opinion on console games? I understand that someone can watch tv and movies from their computer, but if you haven't owned a tv since the NES was out, how can you care that much about the latest PS3/XBox games? And when presented with a question he would just derail it and start attacking, waiting for the mods to clean it up and the other person to let it go, and that is when the red dots and PMs would come flying in from him. I'm with Parker, guy was an asshole and I'm glad he's gone. How the hell do I block people's posts? If he decides to start posting again, I'd like to be able to keep this place as it is now.
Watching The Temple of Doom. This insufferable singer bitch reminds me of someone I know. Jesus. I think I could use an Indiana Jones hat, though. That'd make me look like a pimp.
Long time lurker, first time poster. I've enjoyed the dialogue on this forum (particularly the drunk threads) for awhile and finally decided to try posting. Its past noon on the east coast, anyone else drinking yet? My afternoon is starting off with a bloody mary, and will continue with beers, the british open, women's world cup and copa america. Should be a good lazy, drunk sunday.
I've been sweating like a hooker in church all fucking morning. Fuck this heat. Might be time for a popsicle.
Still drunk from last night, about to head to Atlantic City. If anyone wants to party, let me know. We're rolling deep.
... actually seeing said ass from behind and below, and then maybe, I don't know, shoving your face / penis into it? Just one man's opinion.
As much as I dislike Michael Bay, I think they had to re-use that scene from the Island because of the on-set accident that paralyzed a female extra on the set of TF3. They probably didn't want to try the stunt again after it went bad.