I have the first Harry Potter on DVD. Why? Because it came with the copy of Lego Harry Potter for the PS3 my kids have. The kids might have watched it, but I doubt it. The game is pretty cool though. I've never watched any Harry Potter or read the books. I live in blissful ignorance.
Read online about the Total Recall remake with Colin Farrell; it won't be as good as the Arnold version, but it might not be terrible. Someone posted a bunch of hilarious casting choices in a Fark thread: Spoiler
I'll admit it I actually like harry potter, the movies and the books. Shit I was 12 when the books came out and I started reading the when I was 12. I pretty much grew up with the books I lost enthusiasm along the way but I admit around the 7th book mainly because I was in party mode. I finally read the 7th one after I seen part 1 of the movie in theaters last year. After that I figured why not I have the book just sitting here I should finish the series. It should be a pretty good movie but I am not so enthralled I would go to the midnight showing or dress up like a lot of people around here. No I'll probably get piss drunk this weekend instead of going to the movies and go see harry potter on Tuesday so I don't have to see anyone dressed up. Now if youll excuse me I think its time for my first white Russian.
Mmmmm white russians. Drool. ... So I went to find a picture of a hot russian girl by typing "white russian" into google. Got pictures of weed and drinks. Wasn't paying much attention and then typed "white russian girl" into image search. Mistake. I can only hope that the network people aren't monitoring my computer for that one.
I worked in Westport for four years, and have worked in Darien for three. Westport is still a lot of rich folks, but it's got a funny area (between the Saugatuck Rowing Club and the train station) that can't really decide what it wants to be. It used to be a place with little hole in the wall restaurants and now they're trying building it up like crazy with fancier places and shops selling things no one ever asked for. Derosa's--one of my favorite Italian places--is gone. Same with Mario's--home of the best fucking porterhouse ever. I don't know if the Black Duck survived, but I doubt it. Though, Viva Zapata is still there, and that place sets the bar for TexMex. But the cleaners and that sketchy foreign auto repair shop are still there across from the post office and it makes the whole thing look like they're just trying to paint a turd gold. They've renovated the fronts of all the little places that face the train station, but the insides are probably still the same--like they're trying to convince the people coming in from New York that it's worth it to get off at that stop and walk around (only to find that a bum shit in the tunnel that leads you under the tracks to the other side). On the other side of the Metro North parking lot, though, are multi-million dollar estates. It's a strange spot. The other main area along Rt. 1 hasn't changed. Tiffany's is still there, along with a bunch of high-end restaurants and clothing stores. The botox broads lay on their horns when you walk in front of their Benz at a crosswalk and there's an aire of entitlement so thick you could slice it with a knife (or at least the silver spoon once you removed it from your mouth). That said, if you get off at Exit 18 on 95 and wind your way towards the coast, you can drive right along the beach, past more huge houses, and go to a few places right on the water for a drink and a bite to eat that are run by people who don't permanently have their head shoved up their own ass.
I'll tell yall, the books are actually pretty good. I read the entire series the month or so that I was bedridden just to see what the fuss was about (and after watching Band of Brothers, The Pacific, Lonesome Dove, Shogun, and John Adams in their entireties, I wanted something a little different), and I'll be damned if it wasn't an entertaining read the whole way through. The movies are ok, if for no other reason than to see everything you've imagined in your head brought to life. But I just feel sorry for the people who's lives are so meaningless and dull that they have to camp out and be the FIRST in line for a goddamn movie (or book, or videogame, or whatever). You've been alive for this goddamn long without having experienced it, you can wait until the second week its out without suffering any real pain. Plus, you'll help prevent yourself from looking like some kind of media-dependent idiot. Oh, and I came to an internal decision in the last few minutes- I'm making The Wife stop on the way home from work to pick me up some kinda sexy beer. I bought her a car (bitches love cars), I can has a goddamn sexy beer.
First and foremost I'm out of crucial ingredients for white russians fuck my life. Secondly I also typed in "white russian" girl just for shits and giggles and I see what you mean, with safe search off its just a bunch of hot Russian chicks getting fucked. Thirdly where is a good russian escort site so I can find some hot russians haha.
If you fuckers are going to wax rhapsodic about Connecticut and Harry Potter, I'm just going to take a screenshot of Nom's avatar and play with myself until you're finished. And you call this a drunk thread. Yeesh.
Don't shit on Connecticut! This state is awesome, there's a ton of stuff to do and things to see. Your state/location pales in comparison. *Looks around the room* "Right guise???"
Here's a bigger version, iffin anyone wants it: Spoiler <3 Athletes: NSFW EDITED TO ADD BETTER VERSION
I was going to do a slow transition from harry potter to hot chick via pictures. Unfortunately this is all I could find: NSFW
The best part of Potter mania is more Emma Watson. I have no idea what she's got, but she has it in spades. Really captivating despite giving her best sour lemon face in public. I don't even give much of a shit about celebrity culture either and I find myself scrolling through her damn photos. Is it because she's supposedly smart? Appropriately dressed? Refined? Oh that's why. Abs, short hair, and books. Yeah, you read that book, you dirty wizard whore. On a separate note. One of the most painfully hot and awesome women I've met is hitting up the art museum with me Tuesday. She works out a ton (dem shoulders), likes anal, loves bacon, is competitive and agreed to wrestle an alligator with me. She's also gayer than male figure skating. Not fucking fair.
Also, Keith Richards lives in Westport. And how are there so many people from CT on this board? We're starting to outnumber the Canadians..
Holy shit, what a way to start a weekend. Working outside in mid seventies temps when its been 95+ all week is amazing. As an added bonus, some random woman, who was amazingly attractive (probably a stripper), in a hotel window stuck her tits and ass up against her window for our work crew. I have the weekend off and it is time to get drunk as fuck and make even worse decisions than I have in the past two weeks. One ticket straight to hell please. Back to your regularly scheduled programming. NSFW
On my way home from school I saw this pit/beagle mix running through traffic going in/out of my complex, almost got clipped twice. Pulled over, whistled at her, she came running right up to me and hopped in my car. Well fed, really well behaved, someone had just trimmed her nails, but no collar. I ask the leasing office if anyone had called about a missing dog. Assholes tell me that the dog that's sitting in my car had just been in their office for the last ten minutes, but it started barking so this bitch just opens the door and let's her run off (cue me seeing her almost die twice). I asked if they had called animal services or anything. Nope. Just figured someone would come get it, ten minutes went by, bye bye. Not their problem. Unbelievable. Took her to animal control, had her scanned, sure enough there's a chip, and they're in the process of tracking down the owner. SInce she's already been chipped, and they've tracked it to an adoption service here in town, there's zero chance she gets put down, but it's all still a little irritating. I'm hoping she honestly just escaped, and there's someone out there looking for her, but that remains to be seen. Okay, bar time. First beer in honor of the pooch, the next fourteen will be dedicated to boobies and Hank Williams and those times when you wipe your ass and there's nothing on the TP. God speed, dickholes.