Count me in as another Connecticut native - born and raised here. My kids are fifth generation Ct. - my great grandfather came over in the mid 1890's and we have been here ever since. We are also all huge Harry Potter fans - my older kids grew up with the books and my wife and I read along with them. My 10 year old daughter is in the middle of the "Goblet of Fire" (book 4) and won't stop until she gets through all of them. My oldest daughter graduated for the University of London in 2007 so the entire family was in London for the release of the "Deathly Hallows" - my four oldest kids all went to the midnight release of the book. They said it was quite the freak show! Both of my older boys were at the movie release at midnight last night. Does that make us all geeks and nerds - maybe a little, but the books are a very entertaining read and the movies for the most part have been very well done. It is something we can share as a family and I think society needs a hell of a lot more than that. With that, since this is the WDT - I'm raising my glass to Harry Potter and to families!
Community is a good tv show, but because of this photo it just got better. I'd attach the photo but the file size is to big, so go to the Community fan page on Facebook. If you ever wanted to see Allison Brie in black lingerie getting spanked by the blonde girl who is also in lingerie, go there.
Since my last apartment was utility free I kept that sumbitch about as warm as a meat locker. Cue moving in with the pops and his 82 degree bullshit. My fat ass is melting in here.
What a wonderful thing it is, to be free. Nine days off. DJ'ing tomorrow, thatn off to the cottage for a week. I am happy. Spoiler
You know that shitty coke that makes you real jittery. Well that's pretty much what adderal is like. So the question is really how bad do you want to get wired. I personally don't like the stuff, and it doesn't mix well with alcohol for me.
Okay, Okay...I caved in and took the GF to see a matinee showing of the new Harry Potter today. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it. Of course, I really didn't know what the hell was going on in regards to the storyline since I've never read the books but it looks like I might give them a shot. Fuck it, the tickets were only $4.50. Another 3 day weekend, which is good and bad. Meaning work is slow and our hours have been cut, but hey...not getting up at 6 am today is fantastic. Beer is good and so is Emma Watson....more pics please!
I made the best margaritas last night with my best friend and her parents. I juiced a bunch of limes by hand and mixed em all up. I make killer margaritas! It has also broken my oath against tequila. We can be friends again.
Holy fuck I think I just got so drunk at Happy Hour that I might not be able to make it to baseball. Also, I love Gravitas.
Absolutely. Some nice shots of cleavage as well in this one. Who was the dark haired/super gothic looking chick? I swear I mistakened her for Helena Bonham Carter.
Is it bad that I now drink Mike's Hard Lemonade all the time just to piss my girlfriend off? Ok, I do like it a decent amount, but have no problem with the plethora of beer I have. I just like the "are you fucking serious, you're getting more?" look I get when I show up at home with a fresh 12er of the black and yellow case. BTW - Mike's Hard Lemonade is the BEST hangover cure.
No. Coconut water and vodka shots are the best hangover cure. And bacon. Life is always better with bacon.
Agreed. I found out that the farmers market near my condo has a stand that sells the best pepper bacon known to man. I trudge over there, still half in the bag, on Saturday mornings and pay a dick and a finger for this fine delicacy. I get some pretty funny looks but I can't see them through my awesome sunglasses, messed up hair, and cloud of body odor and booze stench that circles me like a tornado. Then I go back and inhale at least 10 strips.
Yes a good old fashioned tittie slapping where your dame wobbles her bosom in your face lightly pattering them as you try and suckle like a babe in arms will cure any spirits headache- B Franklin, Farmers Almanac 1769
Please let this be this weekend's theme. If someone can throw alpaca bacon into the mix, why, that'd be just golden.
Trust me, you did NOT want to see the other GIS results. I couldn't tell where the pork began and the ham err woman ended.