You want some curvy chicks? I'll show ya curvy chicks: Damn, look at those hips. Just imagine those thighs squeezing the sides of your face...
I'll give you the first and last as "curvy". Obviously whichever Williams sister that is is quite fit, Venus di Milo is from a time where curves were appreciated, but the middle one is veering towards fat, or maybe it is just the way she is angling her ass to the camera.
I always felt it was ironic that if she wasn't moderately attractive herself she would have probably been one of the fat sexually frustrated losers that picketed Tucker's movie. Of coarse with that winning personality of hers Im sure she wouldn't have had any issues either way...
It's incredible the way you guys hold on to the shit. It's the same way on other boards I've posted on too.
Uh, no, if you think that Aurora Jolie is fat, I will have to respectfully disagree. Just because a girl has a big ass doesn't make her fat.
Is that the same girl? Yeah, she fits the curvy category. It must have just been how the shot was taken.
Yeah, that was the same girl. Digital cameras don't always tell the truth, but even if they did, I still wouldn't say that the first picture was "fat." You women are too harsh on each other. Here's Monica Santhiago:
I wasn't really bashing Bunny. I may not have agreed with anything she said and I don't think that we would see eye to eye in real life. However, I did read her comments and still remember her comments months after the fact. Isn't she trying to be a writer? Isn't that what a writer is trying to achieve?
Of coarse when they take those promo shots she is posing for biggest badonk effect. What about when they get down to some pounding and that donk turns into a huge jigglying mass of nasty cottage cheese fat? Gianna is as far as I go when it comes to watching curvy womems in my porno.
Checkmate. I get the feeling that half the people bitching about men and curvy and anorexia are just fucking jealous of women like that. I'll have to concur, I always learned something from the guy's posts and his avatar was awesome to boot. "FRONT TOWARD ENEMY"
I still remember my favourite rep he gave: "steel on target". But the posts he made in the advice column were pure gold. I wish I had copies of them. They were worthy of a thread all unto themselves.
You could learn a lot about group dynamics observing it. Take a group conditioned to believe a thing for X period of time, then throw a literate, confident, aggressive wrench into their whole line of reasoning and watch how many of them react violently to the disturbance. We need more wrenches. They spice shit up.
"Let me tell you about a friend of mine, who I will call Carlos, for that was his name..." Oh, Hank, how we miss thee.