Yeah, and airdrop either of them into Antarctica and a penguin is gonna make 'em his prison bitch. It's all about context.
Big Ben just will not take no for an answer, he keeps pushing his way forward. I expect he'll force another score or two.
For the record, Mark Sanchez was also arrested on sexual assault charges when he was at USC. Just sayin'.
Despite the issues, having the housemate here has its moments. Kuhjäger: (Discussing the difference in a belly buzzer and a raspberry) Housemate: Why do they call that sound a raspberry? Kuhjäger: That is the sound that they make when you pick a bunch of raspberries at once. Housemate: Really? I guess that makes sense. This is the same girl who I convinced that the Great Wall of China was only 6 ft high because Asians are so short, so they focused on length rather than height. She then repeated it as fact.
Anyone else notice the man in the gorilla suit during the budweiser commercials? Coincidence, or inside joke?
I'm drunk and listening to a story about a stripper that was sliding down a pole and a turd fell out of her ass on the way down. hahahahahaha
High as a giraffe's balls and just watched old Taco John's commercials. The ones featuring the monkey cowboy riding a dog. Amazing.
I don't get this. Basically the dude fucked a 20 year old bumfuck college student in a bar bathroom, right? She called rape after bragging about it. No charges filed, but he was sanctioned by Goodell for being a dumbass on multiple occasions. The part that bugs the shit out of me is that Dante Stallworth killed a guy and no one gets all uppity about that. Also, I'm pissed in preparation of all the "redemption" bullshit we are going to have to hear about Ben for the next two weeks.
Comparing Donte Stallworth to Ben Roethlisberger is like comparing a hangnail to a kick to the testicles. Donte Stallworth hit a guy and killed him. Yes, he did blow a .12, but based on the combined alcoholic consumption history of this place, most of you operate at that BAC when you go into work Monday mornings. The guy doing the running was cutting across a busy highway, out of a crosswalk. Ben Roethlisberger allegedly fed a girl shots, forced her into a bathroom and fucked her so hard he left bruises. She didn't want to go through with a trial because she didn't want the media scrutiny. But she did say that she wasn't recanting her accusation. Ben Roethlisberger is a piece of shit.
I didn't bother reading the rest of the thread yet but Fernie was fuck tonne of fun. I definitely shredded some gnar.