I went to get the oil changed in my car today and as I'm standing there waiting for the one guy to come back to his desk, I hear the guy at the next desk talking on the phone: "No, the injury is around the C-4 area so she's like numb in her crotch area. Yeah, she goes, go on touch it, I can't feel you. I'm not going to feel anything." All I can think is, does he not see me standing here? Should I cough or something? Bad enough I had a hard enough time not laughing. Good thing I had my phone to pretend I was looking at something. Whenever I see that guy in the future all I will think is "Hey, it's the guy whose wife has a numb vagina." I really didn't need to know that. So I was asked to volunteer score at our league champs this coming weekend. Normally I wouldn't mind, but the team hosting it is kind of mean. Normally I would just say no, but the person asking broke her thumb and is in a cast, so it's not like she's asking just to get out of it. Decisions, decisions.
I don't agree with spousal abuse, but some women just have it coming. Anywho, here's some more 90s cheese: I don't mind the song, but I want to hold that chick down and rape her with dentistry.
Still doing the 90's bad side? You called down the thunder, Ike. Unbearable. I warned you: Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler ...brought down the hammer, I did. Keep in mind those songs were all HITS.
Wouldn't the opposite be true? An Alpha would just look at a bear about to attack and be like, "step off bro do u even lift", and fuck for hours unscared but beta is all, better do my little squirtsquirt before somebody attacks
Bro the problem is you have to neg the bear big time. Step up and say "Yo bear I like your chinos they cover up tha lovies nice" and hit a shot of Axe on me when it's not lookin
Man this place is so cool it hurts! So basically you guys hated everything that saw the radio in an entire decade? Cool. I can't even match the level of counter culture cool going on right now. Especially Crown! Dude you were hipster before hipster was even hip! That is so hipster. Granted I hate almost everything on the radio these days, but that's not being counter culture. I'm just old.
Fuck, you got to "Lucas with the lid off" before I did. Technically, this came out in 2000, but it was awesome:
I saw a quick reference to a study the other day. Some kind of novel treatment for premature ejaculation; the doses and drugs don't matter. What does matter is the inclusion criteria. Men with chronic, life-long, intra-vaginal ejaculation latency times of less than 90 seconds. Ninety fucking seconds. There but for the grace of god...
I don't know, people who say they hate what's on the radio today are implying that older music is better. The problem is selection bias. If you heard Top 40 in the 60s, 70s, 80s, etc. you'd find a lot of crap you can't stand. If you only listened to tracks of quality today, you wouldn't be inundated with crap. Hits stations from various decades get to cherry-pick. So is this 90s hate really that different from musical "get off my lawn" comments?