Am I doing this right? By the way, from left to right, that's a butterflied leg of lamb, homemade Italian meatballs, smoked beer-can turkey and assorted cuts of ribs. *Edited, because as pointed out, I'm directionally retarded.
My father decided last night that, because he has to work at 8 am, we needed to wake up at 4 in the morning and climb one of the most ridiculous mountains in the county in the dark. I got home at around 8 am and fell asleep until noon. Now that I have woken up, there is a ringing in my ears and my legs are Jello. This is how my weekend started.
Gonna whip up some fried chicken, baked mac and cheese, sweet potatoes and collard greens. Stereotypes are the most delicious.
Are you going to wash it down with grape pop, and make sure there's watermelon for dessert? Spoiler I bought grilled lobster tail from some BBQ guy on the side of the road for lunch. I can't decide if that's ghetto or not.
I wouldn't call BBQ sales on the side of the road ghetto exactly, more so of a convenience. Bachelor party begins in a few hours...Indians/Twins baseball, then the strip club. Hopefully we end up with glitter on our faces and boob in our eyes.
First BBQ lobster tail, now spicy Caesars (all you Americans are missing out on these) while I watch Mad Men. Later, red wine and steak. I win, Saturday! I win.
Clam juice, usually. But there's more to it. Worcestershire sauce, ceasar rimming spice, horseradish, lime. I dunno is Bloody Mary's have all that shit in 'em?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but with all the time you spend diddling yourself, doesn't everything you drink wind up with a little clam juice in it?
I've had multiple Bloody Mary's in the States, trying to fill my Ceasar cravings. It's just not the same.
Nope, never too early. My daughters(6&7) are having a sleep over tonight at our house with two of their friends. I'm afraid that we don't have enough booze in the bar to counteract this.