Drinking Warsteiner + watching Ign Pro League Starcraft II cast = goodness. Besides, it's raining cats and dogs outside. Plus I bought a couple ribeyes to grill in a bit. Now I just have to talk a lady friend to come keep me company later and I'm in business.
The rest of us want to see your tits though. Don't we count for anything? Booty would be awesome too though.
I am so goddamn banged up right now. And by that, I mean like Charlie Sheen in The Rookie. It sucks that I can't get get wasted, so my ass is going to get natural (surprise surprise). A LOT. Halloween decorations are already for sale in all the stores here. Now I love Halloween but seriously, it's barely even mid-August. I don't want to be sick of looking at it by the time the actual day comes along. The real question is will the female costumes continute to get even sluttier as the years go by? Wonderful to think I have a daughter. So...much...fucking...pain.
*Um...Seconded. Motion passes. *Notes from the monthly black people of TiB meeting. Being as there are only 5 of us it is easy to get shit done.