Okay, I really don't understand your message, but I think I've found something you will understand. Here's one for all of The Idiot Board members of the Asian-persuasion: NSFW You know you would hit it. There's no reason why you shouldn't. And here's some music while you do whatever you want to do while viewing the above image:
Son, why you gotta be playing the best tunes this late? Jerry is one of my fucking heroes. I like his solo shit better than Alice In Chains. It's late. We're allowed to play depressing shit: I played drunk monopoly with some friends. It is very easy to turn that into a drinking game once people get houses or land on Free Parking. And Nom... you can stay on my free parking as long as you want.
If that means I get to have anal sex with you then scoop up piles of brightly colored paper, I'm already on my way.
Excellent. When my boss asks why my mouth is all sticky I'll say "Turkish Delight" and giggle uncontrollably.
I bet you say that to all the boys. So here are some hot ass bdsm photos: NSFW NSFW Best for last. Go on... click it. NSFW Welp, now that I'm hard, it's time for bed. By the way, those are all for Mya.
To be fair, the best in the fucking world at eye make up are... Middle Eastern women. They have to make you want to fuck them with nothing but that if they're traditional, and my god, does it work. When I was stationed over there, I saw probably 15-20 sets of eyes that made me wanna fuck.
I suppose he has to spend time with other people as he spent the better part of last night watching over me.