-Just how many people are hanging out in there listening to/watching you pee? -I stole one of those big orange and white striped barrel thingies in high school. We put it on my best friends front porch (because that seemed suitable to us). -You're friends with the wrong people.
I'm not quite sure how I got here, but I've fallen down this black hole where I can't stop watching old music videos, and I'm having one of those weird moments where I'm feeling really uncomfortable knowing that I knew every word to this song and sung it all the time when I was, like, eight. I thought it was about dancing. My poor dad having to listen to me singing about masturbation before puberty. Also, what is that video? I'm so glad I don't remember my brief time spent in the eighties. What a weird decade.
It's awfully lonely, being sober and awake at 2 AM. Though I do get to walk around naked and eat yummy scrambled egg whites with cheese, shrimp, and lots of hot sauce. Fuck, it's quiet.
BaconFest was kind of a bust. Nothing like I expected Bacon twister. Just a bunch of pork products in place of colored circles. Bacon toss. Didn't see it during my 4 hours of participation. Bacon eating contest. Not enough Bacon. Did manage to get a few pictures. Some interesting and tasty things, but, I would have done things WAY differently if it were my own Bacon Festival. The album of what pictures I did take. <a class="postlink" href="http://drnkmcswft.imgur.com/baconfest_2011#vIHQm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://drnkmcswft.imgur.com/baconfest_2011#vIHQm</a> Bacon twister. You disappointed me the most. For Shame. For Shame. I did eat the following though: Bacon on a skewer brushed with maple syrup and thyme Mini Bacon Cupcakes A huge pile of bacon Bacon Chocolates Rice Krispies wrapped in Bacon BaKon Vodka with a HEAVY dose of Bloody Mary Mix And More straight up Bacon. Did wish the festival had more different types of Bacon, and I wish it were more foodie oriented. There are so many more things one can do with Bacon. This "festival" didn't do it for me. It left me wanting so much more. You guys were more creative in coming up with ideas based on vague descriptions alone than the "festival" was. Sorry it wasn't better, but now I have a mile long list of what I would add to the "festival". What else would you guys add to your "perfect" Bacon festival?
I think I might sit on my ass all day while downloading and watching movies. I'm sure lots of Prawn chips and maybe some vodka will be involved.
Mondays at the gym are busier than Costco on long weekends. Both make me stabby. I'm telling you... vodka in a waterbottle needs to start. I'm depressed this morning. It's now officially still dark when I leave the house. Summer is ending.