I can't really tell the difference between most vodka. It's all on a scale of "shitty" to "less shitty" for me.
I just can't get behind a liquor that is universally said to taste better when run through a water filter.
That's the thing. All these shitty vodkas do not distill their product enough times. Distillation removes impurities. Grey Goose and Ketel distill three or more times, then if I'm not mistaken, run the stuff through a charcoal filter. So that's why it costs $30 a bottle. They've lost three times as much product as the cheaper guy and their process is more involved. Respect for those distillers. It's hard to make a clean vodka. By the time you buy those water filters and a bottle of Popov, you might as well blow the extra $1 and buy a good bottle of Goose. Save yourself an hour of experimentation. That said I'm not a vodka fan either.
How many times can you use a filter if you're distilling cheap vodka? I have to think if you can reuse them a few times and have a dedicated Vodka pitcher this would be a much cheaper way to get good vodka. Edit: I would also buy a bottle of Goose that I can put the cheap stuff in, placebo effect ftw.
You might get two filtrations out of it. I put Popov through a filter about three times. That thing was BLACK when I was done. Still didn't taste that great. Now, If you plunked down for your own still (for distilling water of course) you could probably take Popov and make something neat.
I am dodging out of work two hours early to drink my face off with the boys from the office. Today blows dogs for quarters. Only beer will make it better. The vodka through a water filter thing is total bullshit.
You know what's fantastic? This stuff: Steep in hot water, add some milk to the top, stir in a boatload of sugar, enjoy. All you heathens who think the word "chai" should be followed by "latte" need to get a load of this.
Isn't Grey Goose generally considered to be a pretty mediocre vodka though? <a class="postlink" href="http://abcnews.go.com/2020/Story?id=3201973&page=2" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://abcnews.go.com/2020/Story?id=3201973&page=2</a> I know taste tests aren't the end all-be all, but my personal experience lines up with this. I don't really see the point in shelling out extra for it.
I just realized the only flaw I've run into at my new office, one ply TP. I feel like an inmate. The Packers play tomorrow but it's only on the NFL Network. I may have to finally cave this season and get it. Part of why I haven't is I like having an excuse to have to be at the bar by 10am on Saturdays. And BD has a headache, they say theres a pressure point in the web of your hand that can help with the pain. I've tried it but I think it's more of a placebo effect than anything else.
We had an earthquake out here last night. It was smallish, at only 3.3, but this is fucking weird. The epicentre was 3 miles from my house.
God. Doesn't anybody drink Everclear and Gatorade anymore? Milk, meh. I'm partial to the female milk delivery systems, myself.
"I'm looking forward to performing that Heart song with Gretchen Wilson." -Something Layne Staley would have never said.
Even though Ann Wilson is on their second album and joined them live numerous times to sing, "Brother." I don't think he'd have a beef with that. Those guys don't have a lot of pretensions. Also, he was busy loading a spike. The bears are tunneling to the earth's core.
You know how when you eat ice cream too fast and get one of those headache thingies that's really intense, but then goes away as soon as the coldness does? (aka Brain Freeze, Icee Tumor, etc.) Well another headache remedy (when Advil or Alleve don't work or aren't handy) is the ice against the palette trick. Chomp up some ice, press it with your tongue against the roof of your mouth, and try to create a Brain Freeze. Stop and drink some room temperature water. When the swelling fades from the Brain Freeze, so will your original headache. (I'm pretty sure there's a better medical explanation for all this.) I've had it work for me, and also a friend who deals with the occasional migraine has used this trick successfully when meds didn't work.
You know how a lot of people are with wine, I'm like that with vodka. Russian Standard is easily my favorite vodka. Belvedere after that. Then Titos and Stoli are real close behind. I'd put those four on the top tier. Below that, Hangar One, Kettel One, and honestly Luksusowa (great value too). Skyy and Grey Goose are ok, but not near the other ones. Skyy is way overpriced, and the Grey Goose is Grey Goose. Then again, I love the taste of vodka, so I usually drink them neat, on the rocks, or with a splash of club and lemon. I go for the flavor, and I do like my vodka to have flavor. I'm partial to the sweeter ones (hence Russian Standard and Stoli). If you want to mix, Titos goes great with damn near everything. Russian Standard and cranberry is killer in the summer. A Stoli salty dog is very refreshing in the morning, and it kills a hangover nicely. I've never heard of anyone drinking Luksusowa, but it goes smooth even neat and for about $20 a handle it's pretty hard to pass up.