That IS weird, especially since the last time I was in London, it was nothing but pawn shops, money marts and adult video stores. You must live in the nice (read: wealthy) part.
You must have driven up adelaide, oxford or wharncliff. THey're all ugly streets littered with that nowadays. Other that that the city is mostly neighboourhoods excluding downtown. A boring, average city.
I have convinced the wife to partake in a jersey shore drinking game. Thus far I have come up with the following rules, feel free to add more: - anytime Ronnie drinks, you drink with him. - someone takes a shot, you take a shot with them - drink every time you see ed hardy - drink whenever pauly d references his hair, or messes with his hair - drink any time someone calls snookie any nickname - shot whenever they actually call her snookie
You're only person I've heard recommend Luksusowa besides myself. Hell I think you might be the only person besides my old roommate who has even heard of the stuff. It really is a very good vodka, and like you said you can't beat the price. Also, it's a potato vodka which a supposed to be less damaging to your body, but that might be an old wives tale.
Dude... it's a good thing I've got a strong stomach. I just made fucking spaghetti and was looking forward to clicking on the link and seeing some boobies. That's like Lucy yanking the football away from Charlie and shanking him midair.
Someone else repped me that they used to serve it at their bar. In my experience potato vodkas give you less of a hangover, but unless you're drinking rot gut vodka or you're mixing it with tonic, even the worst vodka hangover is still highly manageable. I'm convinced that taste has absolutely no correlation with price, at least when it comes to vodka. Grey Goose isn't shit but it's pretty damn close, yet it's considered top shelf. Vegas serves Titos as top shelf, but where I live it costs $25 for a 1.75L. Someone else mentioned that Skyy in England is bottom of the barrel. Taste wise, I'd put Russian Standard up against anything, and it's half the price of the big names like Belvedere. I honestly think that for most it is all about the placebo effect, and they market how you should feel when you order it. Apparently, for a Luksusowa rocks (if they even have it) just doesn't have the same "baller" ring to it that asking for a Ketel One martini does. But I'll take less ring for a heavier wallet any day of the week. And as a plus, I can actually drink something I enjoy, rather than something I was told to enjoy.
I told all of you. Why didn't you listen? Morbid curiosity wins again, in more ways than one. I have a half gallon of vodka in the car and fresh salmon my Boss caught up in AK last weekend. Maybe the smell of the cheap vodka I bought will over power the fish breath*. *There's some gross pun in there somewhere but I'm not touching it.
Think that's bad? It's actually a person you will love unconditionally. After that, however, comes the afterbirth. It looks like 2 pounds of calf liver and blood and mystery fluids slipping out of the most enjoyable part of her. I saw that on accident once.
El fiance turned el husband is going to be there. If I'm suffering, so is he, each in our own little way...