I deserve a break, since I've been cleaning my house all goddamned day. My roommate (who, while cool, was dirty as fuck) finally moved out so I was able to commence with Operation: Unfuck the House so the Fiancee won't run in terror when she moves in next week. She has a phobia of bugs and we had a a spider, um, problem. But that should be taken care of now. Back to Conan.
Sammerton with the logic hammer in the form of a cat picture. Which I think is what Thor uses in classical mythology, though his is in a box. <a class="postlink" href="http://getoutoftherecat.tumblr.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://getoutoftherecat.tumblr.com/</a>
I have decided to drink beer. My recent bout of sobriety has left me a bit of a lightweight, it seems.
I know your pain. I'm constantly on a 6 month drinking, 6 month sort-of-drinking cycle for work... and the beginning of the drinking cycle means I must stay away from liquor for a while, lest I shake the dragon's cage a bit too hard.
So the ex drama from last WDT has died down. She finally came around and saw things my way. I applaud the person who suggested to get a meaner girl to systematically destroy her. Did not do that, but had a whole lot of fun imagining the scenarios. On a lighter note, enjoying some screw drivers after a nice grill session. Also any college football fans should be ready for USC to take the title this year. One week left...
What weapon do you suggest for properly liberating insects from their immortal souls? (I just looked up insects on wikipedia. I forgot how that gives me the fucking willies.)
A ridiculous amount of poison. I fogged every room in the house earlier, sprayed around the house, and then spot-killed the bastards with a can of Raid. I was stalking around this motherfucker like a goddamned spider-ninja.
I may have to invest in this, if that giant fucking cricket I stomped earlier was any indication. This place is like the entomo-version of My Lai. Body parts everywhere. (If insects can feel pain, the combined suffering of all the insects in the world outweighs humanity's suffering by orders of magnitude. I hope the utilitarians are wrong on this one. It seems like really bad karma.)
A week of law school and four fingers of Glen Parker single malt scotch ($22 for a .750l) under the belt? Sign me the fuck up!
Meh. Think of it this way: the combined WEIGHT of all the ants on Earth is heavier than the weight of all humans. Fuck 'em.
Fair enough. I finally stopped laughing myself to fits at my old avatar, so I changed it. And the ladies of the board informed me that they pictured me as that guy, so I changed my avatar to actually me (which is an internet first) so they can switch their mental images appropriately.
My apartment is consistently in the shade and as a result the yard and porch stays "moist" most of the day. I find these fuckers all over the place. My girlfriend freaks the fuck out when she sees them. I like to change my computer desktop background with pictures of them from time to time. That's always good for a laugh or two. Spoiler
Yeah, that picture seems badass and all, until you realize he's actually looking fearfully down at a line full of ants who finally realized they have the weight advantage. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THEY CAN LIFT!?