But orange ass porn is OK? Got it. First the Saudi and now the Nepali. Where the hell in Alabama do you live?
No, Mobile. We try really hard to be like New Orleans but we have too many Baptists ruining our groove.
At first I thought, celebratory beer! Then I realized that in reality, I was just cleaning out the fridge. No one celebrates with a Coors Light.
First Godrich gets destroyed, now the Lions are kicking New England's ass. WHAT This world is coming to an end. However, Tom Brady is still Tom Brady. Mmm...Tom Brady....
So is that one of those pictures where they put someone next to a woman that looks like a complete hag to make the subject look better? Seriously could have found a more flattering shot of the girl, she's got a huge puss face going on. It like he just said, "That was a decent Beej, now, you gotta get the fuck out...."