Your bathroom destroying roommate has inspired me. Roasting a couple cornish hens and decided to throw in a lil' curry vibe.
Well as long as she sprays the bathroom and doesn't leave poo on the seat, I think we'll be okay. Unlike that brother still refuses to share that bathroom.
He could very well have said that, because he gets to go home to this: Evidently Stetson couldn't afford to hire both of them and went to the B-grade model to fill in the rest of the shot.
She probably sucks at blow jobs hence his need to get dime store hookers to do it right. BJs are make or break things ladies, practice up.
So, I may get crap for that, but in the realm of super hot models, I don't think that Gisele is that hot. Compared to the rest of us schmucks, yes, she is, but compared to some others, eh. Here is what I am doing on a saturday night.....we bought some plain white hanes t-shirts for my dog and some washable markers and are currently decorating them. My husband drew the line at sequins and glitter, but I am doing my best.
I don't really find Giselle sexually attractive at all. Interesting looking? Sure. Striking? Maybe. But I wouldn't really go too far out of my way to pursue her.
Dude that's not even the worst of those ads. The woman in this is trying valiently to save it, but...
Gotta say, dig the pose and the vibe, as far as she herself goes, not that hot. To me, of course -- I can see why someone else would be attracted to her.
I think Giselle is hot. She's got a unique look and a great figure. But I agree other models do it for me more. Miranda Kerr? Even though she was tainted with gay elf spooge, I'd still make Nom eat a mile of Orlando Bloom's sperm just so I could get to her vagina. Well put together cherub that girl is. Funny, I like her the best of The Angels, and I hear the most flack about her looks. NSFW
Any of those gals are hotter than Gisele, I think her face is funny. In the realm of super models, these beat her (to name a few)
No I wouldn't, but after years of marriage, coming home after getting beaten up and down the field by dudes three times my size trying to kill me, I'd want more than a mediocre beej from a hot woman. It's all relative. The girls that could suck me sideways in thirty seconds and liked doing it frequently always beat out the girls that were either terrible or just didn't like doing it. This usually transcended looks easily when it came to how long a relationship lasted.