Well, it started as a large bottle of Crown. Actually, the bottle is still large, it's just less full. Then it turned into beer. Miller Lite actually. Whatever. It tastes good and it keeps me from gaining 100 lbs. AND IT DOESN"T HAVE FRUIT IN IT.
I'm not going to apologize for getting drunk and warding off scurvy at the same time. Are you trying to avoid gaining 100 pounds? Do you not want a scooter and an easy entrance into a niche porn market?
I'm not going to apologize for getting drunk and warding off scurvy at the same time. Meh, it's tempting. Can I get a Gummit check, too? I think that niche requires a big honking johnson. Sadly, if I put on 100 lbs, that still wouldn't happem. Speaking of big honking johnson, how come Black Jesus is lurking but not posting?
I've been pouring Pilsner Urquell and ugh...Evan Williams tonight. Everyone knows I love bourbon. I've done the bourbon trail five times. I have my name on barrels at the Maker's distillery. After spending a year or two tracking down liquor stores within an hour that have gotten a bottle or two over the years ofPappy Van Winkle and having them call me as soon as they knew the bottle was coming, I got tired of it and just tracked down the distributors and now pay a friendly delivery guy a little something something to just bring it to me instead of the Amit and Pujab at the liquor shop. I fucking LOVE bourbon. So drinking this shit is like going from fucking supermodels all day everyday to pushing your dick into a fat hag with a pussy that smells like rotten chicken skin. Almost wish my friend hadn't left an entire handle here. Still better than rum though. I wasn't even planning on getting drunk tonight, but after failed negotiations yesterday, my dad losing his job, and my girlfriend informing me she can't fill her birth control prescription for another two weeks due to insurance issues, I took it upon myself to do it. Heading to the bars in a bit, where I'll undoubtedly complain at some point about having to wear condoms again. Seriously, those things, while necessary, are pretty much the worst shit ever. Like trying to write cursive while wearing a baseball mitt.
By the way, does anyone here have an MFA orrrrrr know anyone who's personally gone through a grad program at any the following schools: Claremont, New School, Tulane, Univ of Texas, or Columbia College (Chi, not NYC)? This drunkard has questions. Back to drinking, sorry for the interruption.
Bewildered is an 85 year old lady with really nice breasts? Okkkk? Sammerton, by Claremont do you mean Keck? I went to undergrad in claremont Yeah, I know a couple New School grad students, too. You saucy little fucknugget.