Does anyone here in Nyc know when the subway will open back up? Also, are the cabbies trying to charge out the ass for this shit? Some dude tried to jack his prices up yesterday afternoon, but we took the free bus instead, then the cab driver on the way back home said first dude was full of shit.
Was it anything like this? Spoiler Go on... you know you want to. NSFW One more. Don't blame me. [rnsfw]You chose this. [/rnsfw]
Just saying, if you eat Tso's, the situation might change to you trying to hold yourself onto the toilet while you create your own hurricane conditions in the bowl.
Word is that in addition to pumping out all the water, they need to manually check everything, and that they can't get the manpower to do it until tomorrow. I wouldn't expect the subway to be operational until tomorrow afternoon. I agree with you, but level of preparation in the city matters. Some places are built to withstand hurricanes, others aren't. For example, Bumfuck, Louisiana has relatively few 50-story skyscrapers, doesn't have a subway system, etc. It takes a lot less for a storm to kick the crap out of the Northeast. That said, this was completely underwhelming.
The government scientists that created this storm were successful. Only a dozen or so deaths, some small infrastructure damage, and HUNDREDS of millions of dollars spent on emergency supplies and injected back into the economy. Interestingly related, my Facebooks friends complaining about how much money they spent on unnecessary storm supplies. Anyone else support my theory?
This confused me. I would see people walking around Manhattan with multiple 30 packs of water, buying hundreds of dollars worth of groceries, etc. How long did these people think they'd be without water/power for? They looked like they were going camping for a week and a half. I mean, shit, my "preparation" was to buy some bagels, beer, and batteries. And like, 2 or 3 bottles of water.
The weather situation that we must not name has been more costly, deadly, and impacting than that stupid hurricane.
Agreed. I was at the hardware store buying yard bags yesterday, and just out of curiosity asked where the flashlights were. An employee showed me, and there were literally two flashlights left. And they were out of D cell batteries. I chuckled and went home. The people who owned my house prior to me left a hurricane lantern here, and all the preparation I made for the storm was to make sure that the lantern had oil in it. Already had water, bread, and have a gas range for cooking pasta if the power does go out. Hell, I drove to the store this morning because I was out of eggs and had a hankering for scrambled ones. To me, this storm is just a really bad rain storm and not a hurricane.
Local news had dual coverage of NY and The Bahamas. Everyone is bitching and moaning in the NY coverage they aired. In The Bahamas they interviewed an old black lady on Cat Island who had her house pretty much trashed. Everything she owned was sopping wet and in her yard to dry off. I mean EVERYTHING. Furniture, clothes, appliances. Debris was inside the house. Her neighbor had the roof blow off in one solid piece. It now sits in the street. Bahama building codes don't appear to be up to our standards. And everyone they interviewed up north is pissy they have ankle deep water, no subway, and too much food. Seriously, fuck these people. Just shut the fuck up.
Subways will be back Monday afternoon (my father works with the MTA). Hey look, both my parents have made an appearance this WDT.
The cat is being such a New Yorker, trying to act like she wasn't freaking out all last night. "Yeah whatever man, maybe you were running out and stocking up on bottled water, but I was just sitting at home getting wasted." I remember it differently, cat. You were doing THIS every other minute:
This pretty bullshit though. I demand a hurricane. What else am I gonna do with the $2 of jerky and bottle of red wine I bought?
Yeah, but let's see who's laughing if they ever get hit with 4 feet of snow in one whack. Like MC said, it's all about preparation, if you deal with something semi-regularly you are going to be ready for it, if it only happens once a decade it is going to seem like a disaster. That said, the 30 pack of bottled water people are idiots, the craziest I went was filling up the tub with water in case the pump was down and we needed toilet water, we already have flashlights and candles since we're not morons.
Lets not just dismiss ideas out of hand here, we're brainstorming, everything is good. Anyway, I blame Frank for the red wine, mostly.
Given how shitty this day has started, a question for you Canadian idiots: If someone breaks into your property, in Canada, can you respond with force? I know it would be okay in the States, but I'm unclear what our laws are. Does the person actually have to threaten you with violence, or is the fact that they are on your property enough for you to turn your German Shepherd on them or blast them with a shotgun?
Red wine is like... well red wine, you buy it in anticipation of something happening, and even if it doesn't, bam you can still get shitfaced off it.