Shoot, a case of water is part of my weekly grocery shopping. How does buying one make an idiot? Not like it's going to go bad.
Is your tap water poisonous or something? If not, spending money on something you can get for free makes you a moron.
I'm pretty sure that if your German Shepherd 'just happens to get loose' and fuck him up, you can't get in any trouble, since he's on your property.
No. You're liable for what happens on your property. There was a case where a man robbing a house drowned in the swimming pool and his estate successfully sued the homeowners. I really can't say what the law states or the current interpretation of case law, but my feeling is that in Canada, if you shot someone who was invading your house, you'd better have a good lawyer, a good story about your life being in imminent danger, and a sympathetic jury.
It depends on the dog, but especially if the dog has no history of attacking people AND the person was trespassing AND I don't have a third but the list seemed too short, you're probably in the clear. If your dog is known to be dangerous though, you might have some legal issues.
Well, I get this sparkling flavored water that is .50 a liter bottle because if I didn't my husbands fluid intake would be beer or wine only. Personally I drink that at work and tea made with tap water at home. In the long run I think it is cheaper this way
There was a case here a few months back that sent a guy to jail. He lived in a shitty part of town (that's saying something, considering this is Winnipeg), and he carried a gun illegally for his own protection. He had previously been shot at during his walk home from work, and he legitimately feared for his safety. Anyway, I forget what happened but he wound up arrested for having this illegal firearm. The judge praised him for having a clean criminal record despite his upbringing (born and raised on one of the northern reserves), and said that she did not WANT to give him jail time, but due to mandatory sentencing she had no choice. She chastised the Crown because she (the judge) thought the man was justified in carrying a weapon. Which all makes me think that if you saw someone breaking into your car and decided to get a baseball bat instead of a phone to call 911, you'd wind up in the courts. Which is total nonsense.
I think Texas is the only state that says you can shoot someone on your home turf no questions asked. DCC, would you really shoot someone breaking into your truck?
It's a state by state thing. Some states employ what is known as a "castle doctrine," which essentially says that a homeowner has a right to defend his "castle" that extends to force, and it is thereby qualified as justifiable homicide. They vary in terms of how much leeway they have, but according to Wikipedia, 31 states have some variety of such a law. For example, in Arkansas:
So you can't shoot thieves unless they are threatening you, right? I you catch them in the act and they run, shooting would not be justified. You guys think we are a bunch of heathens? I know our arms laws are pretty laughable, but surely it hasn't gotten that far.
Your husband regularly drinks sparkling flavored water? We all now have a trump card on you in any future dispute.
Well shit I guess we are heathens. I was robbed several times in college and just figured I would rather them steal my box of saltines then pull a gun over it.
I don't. On the one hand, I have no desire to own or handle a gun. On the other, I believe that if someone has entered my domain they have forfeited their rights. Whatever their reasons for stealing or murdering or whatever are, I don't feel that you should have to wait until your life is in immediate danger. What's the worst that could happen? The person who's stealing from you or trying to break in and rape/murder you is not benefiting society. So, if they are gone (and at no expense to the taxpayer), who cares? This probably makes me coarse, but whatever. Would I shoot someone for breaking into my truck? No. I honestly can't imagine shooting anyone over anything, short of my kids being in danger. Would I loose a dog on him to rip out his throat? Yes. Would I come up behind him with a bat and catch him on the back of the head with a hard, clean hit? Yup. Also, if I found out my neighbour owned a gun and shot someone for breaking into his vehicle, I would have no issues with that either. The guys who do these things are not well-bred, contributing members of society. They're either drug addicts or punk ass kids or gang members. Why is everyone so concerned with their rights?
There's this thing called "King's Castle Rule" where basically, your property is your castle, and you can shoot trespassers simply because they shouldn't be there. TX has this rule, and I believe FL does as well. Some states have degrees of this, and some are very strict about situational home defense.
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Well, in Kansas apparently just pulling a gun is a no-no. If you want to claim self-defense you have to shoot the person. Otherwise you get an aggravated assault charge.