Ah, nothing like a little heat to warm up a drunk thread. We discussed this in g+ last night, but we haven't had a decent defcon-grade freak out in a while here. Long overdue if you ask me.
...and black men tend to be into white women, just like how white men are into Asian women and Gary Glitter is into Asian children.
And not-so-skinny-gals.... I guess the running joke is that I think that curvy big booty black ladies are super sexy. I think it started back with my weird lesbian dream about Kima, but now it's, "hey, so today [during our training day at the beach] I saw a girl you would have TOTALLY loved...." ...followed up with, "she kind of had a butt like yours." Winning?
So to the parents in this thread: my daughter has a book she loves to eat. Not read, not play with, eat. She has chewed off one of the corners, already. We took it away. She has since played with tons of other books and not even so much as put them in her mouth. I figured she just grew out of it. It has been a good two months since she chewed that one book. So I gave her the book back. Her first response? She eats it again. Just bites a big old chunk out of the corner. So I take it away and toss it, and the crying started. Thank god Dora can calm her down immediately. So, my question is this: do Dr. Seuss books just taste better than others? I just don't get it.
She appears to be very cute, but it is still creepy to just throw up pictures of her foot online like that.
Where do 2-year-olds get their energy? My nephew has been throwing the same fit for 90 minutes because my dad has gone shopping and isn't available to play "TRUCKTRUCK" with him. My kingdom for some Benadryl.
Put some chili powder or wasabi on the corners that she likes to bite. That's what they do for dogs that chew stuff up.
I never gave you shit about the hair -- I'm perfectly fine with the hair As for your implication about why I only post white women, I think I've made it pretty clear by my involvement on this board that I am a race traitor. You wouldn't believe how quickly I have to minimize this window when I browse at my NOI meetings.
I apologize that you all have to be punished because of dixie's whining. NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW Dixie, I hope you're proud of what you've put everyone through here.
Holy christ on a cracker I forgot what sunlight and warm weather felt like, fuck winter (until I'm bored with summer and want to go skiing/sledding again).