I've seen fat, white retarded people working there.[/quote] I worked there.[/quote] So fat and white? Or just retarded?
Opine, o TIB: I sold a girl a used 750gb hard drive about a month and a half ago. She emailed me Friday saying that the drive doesn't work. Tech support said it would cost more than it's worth to recover/repair. She wants her money back. It's not a lot of money to me, but the fuck would I want with no money and a dead hard drive? My counter-offer: I'll give her half the money back, since I feel bad the drive broke. It worked as long as I owned it, and I genuinely didn't expect it to fail at all, much less this soon. Or, I would give her a newer, bigger drive that I have (1TB) for an additional $20-30. Fair deal? Should I give her money back? Murder, rape and leave her behind a middle school?
Giving her something back would be a decent gesture, tho let the buyer beware. For her to demand all her money back is silly, and if she presses further tell her to go fuck herself. She bought it used off you, and it broke weeks later. I would give her something back, not everything.
I would verify that it's broken first, and then offer half back. Crown is right, let the buyer beware.
How are we supposed to solve this word problem when you left out important details? By "girl" - do you mean, < 18? Because if it's 18+ then. . . Have you ever had sex with her? If not, would you like to have sex with her? How does the result of this follow-up transaction impact your ability to have sex with her? Sheesh.
Depends whether this girl is a friend, acquaintance, et cetera. If your life isn't going to be affected by her being mad at you, then I'd say you're well within your rights to tell her to go fornicate herself. Look, frankly, most people are fucking mongtards when it comes to technology. For all you know, she could've been using that thing as a fucking coaster. If it'd broken within, say, 2-3 days of her buying it, then she'd have a case for saying "look, I've only impacted this thing for like 2% of its life and it's gone tits up, it's clearly a problem on your end" and I personally would've refunded the money and then kicked myself for not getting rid of it sooner. But 5-6 weeks? Fuck that. You have literally no idea what she's been doing with it. Has she dropped the bloody thing? Sat it under the laptop (I've seen people do this, to save "space" at their desks allegedly) so the exhaust from the fan slowly cooks it like a spit-roasted hog? Or maybe she's mad because she keeps yanking the drive without ejecting it and it regularly corrupts all her data. If you know her well and she's a trustworthy, responsible person, by all means go with whatever option you've listed feels most comfortable. If not, assume that thing's been used as a doorstop in the recent past. I guess this is the problem with insurance claims.
Something that was said in my vicinity at work today: "I wish I could participate in Meatless Mondays like everyone in my book club, but I just can't give up cheese!" Fuck the world.
She makes a fair point, cheese is awesome after all. But she's probably one of those super vegetarians that lumps dairy into what they can't consume since it comes from an animals teat.
Ah yes, the "flesh without pigment" people. I always wondered if being that stupid is like being high all the time.
I corrected the earlier post. She actually called it Meatless Monday, not Vegetarian. Either way, she's an idiot. She's also on the Dr. Poon diet, and identifies all foods as "poon-friendly" or "poon-unfriendly".
You guys do know that most cheese employs rennet in its manufacturing process, which is essentially mulched-up baby cow stomachs, right? I mean, hate on vegetarians all you want, but at least they're being coherent.