I had to Google who that was because, unlike you perverts, I don't know porn stars by their names (I prefer to know them only by their vaginas and dead eyes). Third hit on Google - "Porn Star Taylor Rain talks about doing cocaine in Rectum". Seriously? Do people do this? Sniffing it just wasn't cutting it any more, now you've got to do ass lines? What the fuck is wrong with the world? Reminds me of the study we had in university of the heroin addict who used to shoot up his dick when the skin between his toes hardened. Jesus Christ.
It stands to reason that RANDOM RECTAL BLEEDS would be a possibility, though? No more white pants. Ever.
http://www.thegreatbullrun.com/ Holy fucking shit. How catastrophic of a shitshow will this be when you replace the relatively sprightly and only partially inebriated Spaniards (plus a healthy complement of thrill-seekers trying to "find themselves") with a bunch of shithoused fratboys and out-of-shape hillbillies? This looks like it'll have more casualties than the original Bull Run.
Watching Caillou makes me feel like I imagine Crown Royal feels all the time. Switching to Animaniacs. The kid loves any cartoons, might as well watch some that I like. See also: Angry Beavers and Rugrats on Netflix. Now get off my lawn!
That is going to be a hell of a show. I'm absolutely going to Atlanta to watch. I'm sure I'll even be able to go with idiot friends. Just gotta make sure I drive though. If you're a big enough idiot to do this I'm not waiting around for you at the ER. Add in the probability of people shooting 9's at the bulls and its must see.
Calliou is a red nightmare. A whiney French kid who throws fits. It's a cartoon version of Montreal protesters.
Crown serious question here. What out of the mainstream pop culture do you like? I'm all for the hatred of the vast majority of it, but you seem to hate all of it. Just wondering if there's some sort of common trend about what you do like.
I remember the music thing. I'm one of those folks who keeps the local classic rock station in business so I didn't recognize most of the stuff ya'll talked about. You smoke and you're trying to tell me you have no guilty pleasure tv shows? Is this what happens when you have kids, you just don't have time for anything but the cream of the crop?
Few things better than sitting on the porch during a heavy thunderstorm with a good scotch and a cigar. Few things worse than having to get up early for work the next day, and being afraid that said thunderstorm will arrive too late to sit on said porch.
Robin Thicke and Pharrell had a video banned from Youtube for being too racy. I wonder what the call sheet looked like for the models: 1. Must be willing to ride stationary bike topless. 2. Must pretend to play banjo topless. 3. Must be willing to dance in front of a wall that says, "Robin Thicke has a big dick."--topless. Can't link youtube since it was banned, but here is the link. You can always mute it if you don't like the music: Blurred Lines Pharrell just looks thrilled to be in a video with bouncing boobies. Edit: Note to self--Do not click on any more of Jimmy James links.