How can anybody watch more than 3 innings of baseball without falling asleep. Give me more hockey. Let's Go Buffalo.
Yes you are. I don't remember any of Reagan's presidency and I had to google that. I also watch how I met your mother so I'm supposed to know him apparently.
John Tesh wishes he had half the charisma and overall "no fucks given" appeal of Robin Thicke. I don't necessarily love the man's music, but he's a cool motherfucker. And being married to Paula Patton just gives him extra cred in my book. It's also pretty hard to hate Pharrell. I'm almost embarrassed that I didn't like N.E.R.D. back in HS when they were killing it. Also, speaking of the casting call for the video, one of the chicks is Emily Ratajkowski who is stupid hot and has been blowing up lately. So at least one of them isn't a no name video hoe.
I ran into Target to pickup some Sweetwater microbrew today, waiting behind an unattractive middle-aged hen when she broke out the checkbook. No sweat, I'd live in the past if I was her ass too. After the clerk checks her ID, she begins to pull out a credit card, and some cash when it's denied. Sure, maybe her roommate was paying for the cat food and she was buying the Heads and Shoulders off her fancy handwritten check. Then she pulls out the change purse and I lose it. I proceed to hand my beer to the clerk in the aisle behind me and toss whatever change I had in my pocket on the conveyor belt. I think I need a vacation.
I go to the games but end up staring at the hot ass women in Spring and Summer regalia the whole time. Baseball is pretty boring unless a team mounts a come from behind win in the last inning.
I am worming my way through the black hole of resetting the password on an old email account so I can access it to reset my netflix password. Yay. Today I tried to go to an Israeli restaurant in Toronto. Except, of course, it was closed for passover, which I probably should have known ahead of time but there wasn't an announcement on the website. Instead I went to a German bakery. Only later did I realize what I had done. Either it was a coincidence or my subconscience has a wicked sense of humour / is evil / both.
I spent the evening helping my dad pack and load his stuff. Shortly before I left, he puts the TV on TruTV, which is bad enough, but Storage Wars was on. He becomes engrossed in it, looks mildly annoyed but acknowledges when i ask if he knows most of it is scripted. One fake explosion, two ads for shows that are so bad the entire production/design staff should be shot, and several horrible acting attempts later, there's a confrontation on screen. Guy is mad because he tries to outbid other guy and fails, whining ensues. My dad looks at the TV and with great enthusiasm says "Ah, c'mon man! So he won, it's an auction!" To which I reply, "He's just an actor saying his lines, dad." There's a look a mild embarrassment followed by silence and my wondering how my parents combined their genetics to create two children who are not either dead of suicide or Down's patients. And just under eight hours until I'm on the road. Between two stores I finally found one out of dozens of FM transmitters that wasn't either $50+ or online-order only. Seriously, $70-100+ for a 12v adapter that generates a radio signal that plays your Ipod. The basic technology for this was used back in the fucking 40s. The product itself has been around for a decade. I'm beyond shit with disbelief that Apple hasn't copied one, put an "I" in front of "Radio" and put a price tag on it that would give the old ballsack a hardon and the new one an epiphany on the evils of consumerism. But you know what? 10 hours of driving puts me in a place where the girls are half-naked, the sun is shining, and Ohio is just some broke-ass state up north. I'm fucking ready.
Your mileage may vary on how likeable Michael Cera actually is, but I don't think it matters that an actor has range, provided that they're good for the parts that they're getting. Clooney plays Clooney in most of his roles, but people are cool with that because he's a suave motherfucker. Hugh Grant milked the charming and befuddled cow dry, but it took him nearly a dozen movies to do so. Rashida Jones doesn't even act, so much as she "exists as a nice-looking lady while simultaneously being on screen." And she's delightful. I really couldn't care less whether my plumber can play the oboe, as long as my sink gets fixed up good. P.S. Michael Cera has very good timing and an aesthetic that fits in well with comedies being made now. Saying that anybody could do what he does is just wrong.
Meh. I think he brings nothing to the table. I never got how he became a leading man in big-budget movies while actors like Guy Pearce and Alfred Molina constantly have played second fiddle.
So Florida is making bongs illegal. I think I am now starting to understand the large amount of scorn directed on that state. I think we should take a survey from American TiB board members on what America's most retarded state. Speaking as an outsider, the overall Scorn-O-Meter probably rates overall highest for these ten (no particular order): Florida Texas California New Jersey Kentucky Arizona Kansas Mississippi New York Alabama offense to any residents of those places, I personall hold no grudge against any of them as a whole. On G+ the other night I asked "Why Kansas?" To which the general response was "Flat, boring and racist rednecks with stuck-up attitudes". Is there any that I missed that are widely dissed in the U.S? (that rhymes)
I don't know I go through phases of despising reality tv and watching popcorn filler garbage after a rough week because well fuck it I don't want to think. I still suffer through Gold Rush Alaska and that has to be the worst offender of staged drama, but I still watch, mostly because the accumulation of gold just feels good primally. I also binged on Storage Wars for a while. Fuck it. I feel you on the iPod car radio connectors. We must have stopped at five places on a trip bringing a car home for my brother. We found one of the old school Tape jack type and it was still like 15 bucks. I have an auxiliary connection to the ipod dock in my car. When I get a new ipod, because my last one was stolen, the adaptor to the new lightning connector is 30 bucks. At least most new car stereos come with some sort of a/v plug that is easy to get to.
Apparently America has decided that we don't have enough dangerous pastimes, because this fall, they're introducing a touring bull run, much like a rodeo but only for a day. I could not pass this up, so in six months, I'm running with the bulls and then playing dodgeball with some raw tomatoes. I love living in this city.
Mississippi, Arkansas, Kansas, Tennessee, Arizona, Alabama, Texas. These are the states where the legislators are actively trying to destroy The Bill of Rights, in the process the state economy. While the generally redneck majority thank them for it because they think it's in the bible. If they had their way women's rights would be non-existent. Go ahead, google some of the shit Tennessee has suggested in the past year. Florida just has a population of utter dumbasses and trash. Only recently have our governors been super villains. Hey, no state income tax. Plus Cuban restaurants. Keep your freedom and fair trade, daddy needs fried plantains.
California is the biggest piece of shit. I hate it every time I have to set foot in that sesspool. How can such a great location be so wasted by the retards living there?
Pollution, garbage, poor infrastructure, horrible economy, corrupt politicians, and shithead citizens. I'll give Northern California a pass because it really is different. No wonder they want to break off and form their own state.