Did you just visit LA or something? I have had 3 acquaintances who were born and bred LA residents and 2 of them were complete fucking psychos. Not in that fun drinking outrageous way, the manipulative, two face lair sort of way. Complete dicks. A girl I know from Sacramento is fine. Florida is nice in the clean rich beach areas. The innards contain the scariest pillhead hicks you'll ever not want to run into.
Am I the only one who's watching North Korea gradually escalate its military rhetoric against the US while simultaneously severing every human and diplomatic channel it's had with South Korea for the first time in, well, ever, and is starting to get a little ohshit voice in the back of his head? China's pretty much almost entirely distanced themselves from Pyongyang, and the only thing that used to hold North Korea in check was China saying "woooah there. Settle down little buddy." when they threatened to go off the reservation completely. I mean, don't get me wrong, we all know that North Korea's army, while proportionately large, is a fucking joke and since they're completely clueless about asymmetrical warfare if it does come to a throwdown NATO is probably gonna be like "FUCK YEAH CONVENTIONAL COMBAT!! FUCKING FINALLY YOU GUYS!" and turn the top half of the Korean peninsula into a smoking crater, but still. We have no idea of the morale of North Korean troops, and if they're as indoctrinated as our intelligence suggests they are there's no indication they'll prove to be as brittle as one might hope. Not to mention the fact that, well, the North Korean military establishment are fucking huge cunts. Anyone who's within range of their missiles can probably expect heavy showers of chemical agents and the bombardment of non-military population centres, because fuck you, we're insane. It's as if someone's lovable but cataclysmically retarded family member suddenly found Uncle Phil's gun and ran into the living room waving it during Christmas Dinner. Everyone's going "Come on buddy... give the toy over, you're not supposed to play with it... Easy there now..." and you're pretty sure someone's going to get badly hurt, probably the retard himself, but you're just waiting to see how it all pans out.
Because Guy Pearce probably doesn't want a part singing "These Eyes" in a room full of angry, strung out coke addicts.
You're right. Ohio Does suck, at least visually because that state has the shittiest roads and infrastructure I've personally seen in America. Don't know much about the people. The worst thing about it is that it becomes Asskissfest as soon as your elections pop up. Pathetic, really.
Do you idiots think I'm from Ohio? I know those pasty white fatasses swarm to our beaches, but they don't live here.
You must have never been to California. LA alone has to rank in the top 3 worst roads/infrastructure on Earth.
Cat/dog relations continue to move at a snails pace here. As a result, dog must spend more time in kennel than he likes. Also - LA's roads and layout sucks. One week in LA - never again.
So am I wrong for actually liking California? I've been there twice, once to SF and the other to LA, and I liked both cities. Or is California a trap in that you visit it for short doses and think it's fine, never realizing its shittiness until you've moved there and it's already too late? Although, I'm not a fan of earthquakes.
That video is a great summation of everything I've seen from Robin Thicke - good looking white dude into R&B, but doesn't take himself too seriously. I think that's why the chicks dig him - he's sexy and funny at the same time. Totally cracked me up on some of the topless vs non topless scenes. Model, "Oh, I'll do topless with a goat, but I'm not doing topless with a dog." Also, Robin Thicke's wife is Paula Patton, the girl from M:I - Ghost Protocol.
Never been there, but I'm guessing it may be like a lot of other states where the metro areas are godawful, but the rest of the state is decent. I hear good things about Northern Cali, but have no desire to visit LA. Also I'll take tornadoes and blizzards over earthquakes... at least you can see that shit coming.
The weather is enviable and Ive heard many good things of places outside of LA. I have friends who live in San Diego and fucking love it. From all accounts from the people I know that moved to LA the town is a cesspool of narcissistic lunatics. I had a lot of fun the few days I visited, long terms Ive heard much otherwise. Going north it is how well you can handle vapid rich people and know it all hippies.
Monterey/San Francisco/napa/Tahoe = amazing. Anything more than like 10 miles inland until you GET to Tahoe? I didn't like it. And the state is godawful expensive.
California is cool. San Diego is awesome, LA is an acquired taste and San Francisco is cool if thats your thing. All three major areas are fairly distinct from each other and all have their own things that make them great and not so great. I could see myself living in SF, but I'd almost rather live in Alabama than LA. Seriously. LA is this weird mix and there are so many bad parts and everyone is an actor/musician/artist/wanna be thug. Then the traffic is notorious for a dam good reason. The air sucks. I can't think of a single part of it I'd live in outside of Malibu. Whereas with San Diego there are many desirable neighborhoods and in general SD does not deal with that dumb LA wanna be actor crap etc. Funny thing about getting outside the metro areas, in SoCal that means you're in the desert. Whereas in Minni or Michigan you go out in the woods, out there you pretty much stay in metro areas unless you want to go to the shooting range or camping in the nearby mountains. The mountains are basically part of the greater metro area anyway. FYI I lived in San Diego for three years and my parents have lived there for the last 7 years.
Looks like dumb protesting hippies aren't the only ones to fall for the old dihyrdogen monoxide trick. Next up? Floridians!