Whiny? I was just fucking with Crown because I had a few hours to burn at work and he always bites. He's like that old reliable dog, he will always fetch that stick for you. And just like the dog, he'll never realize I don't care about the stick, just like seeing him chase after it. I don't give two shits about Michael Cera. And someone said "No one can do what MIchael Cera could do" somewhere in the thread. That's incorrect, his name is Jesse Eisenberg. Except Jesse might be better than Michael Cera, as Cera could not have done shit in The Social Network.
Panhandle - Jesus land. Signs talking about the rapture and 9/11. Stay away. West Texas - really. Fucking. Empty. Not a whole lot to do there but shoot rattlesnakes and drink. Hill country - Austin is a great city, if it stops being douchebag central. Really historic, lots of stuff to do. San Antonio - haven't been in years but it was nice while I was there. Coastal Texas - not the greatest beaches, but, they're beaches. You've got nightlife there. East Texas - holy hillbilly land. Tyler is about it. Again, it's not super city. It's a lot of small towns all gathered up. North Texas - too close to Oklahoma. South Texas - I avoid north Mexico. The weather - may - October it's fucking hot. Depending on where you're at, it's humid as well. Southwest Texas is hot and DRY as hell. A spark will burn half the state. There's good beer, good whiskey, Fort Worth is a fantastic town, Dallas is okay too if you're more into the new money 30k$millionaire crowd. I am not. Rural Texas ain't bad, it's got a lot of good people who aren't nearly as backwards as tv makes them seem.
I would love to know what the stupid:smart ratio is for that state. I don't like radio DJs, but from what I read they're being charged literally because they're in a sea of morons.
Dude, do you honestly like I idolize YOU? You're a fucking Maroon Five fan who thinks its okay to beat kids with belts. I'm not your dog, I am your school teacher. Keep talking if you want to get taken there.
Ok, you two are going to fight at lunch. My money is on Parker because he's not on Canadian, but still Crown, if you back out you will forever be known as the biggest pussy ever.
I said "not anybody" could do what he could do. Which is a much different and weaker claim than "no one can do what he can do." I'm not saying it's impossible, just not impossibly easy. (In response to you and also a rep)
Dude I am already sliding on my most badass Affliction t-shirt, and have instructed my friends to jump in the second he looks like he's getting the upper hand. Then we'll all high-five afterwards and yell WHAT'S UP!!!!! at people filming with their phones.
I feel like the guys who run the bodega and I are good enough friends that I should be able to call them and specially request they deliver a breakfast sandwich and/or regular sandwich with some juice to me. But, in reality, I don't think that's the case and that makes me depressed.
Good boy, here's your treat! Whoa, whoa, what's that? Take that out your mouth right now! Bad! Bad! Now go lick your ass to get the taste out. Wait, since when did I become a Maroon 5 fan? (its the number, never the word, everyone knows THAT) I mean I did see them live once, but it was a free show and I got laid since they ladies couldn't fuck Adam Levine. Well she was also my girlfriend at the time, but I mean whatever, details, moot points etc. Where did I say anything about idolizing? Did I miss this post? Did I even write it? Are you posting high again or is old age eroding your memory? Is this a sign of Alzheimer's? What teacher's union are you in? Are you certified? Where did you get your degree? Pretentious Asshole Old Man University or PAOMU? [/endtroll] Spoilered for controversy. Spoiler Also, I never said it was okay to beat kids with belts. I said spank, which are targeting towards the fleshy part, the ass. Beatings are whole body physical assaults. There is the difference. There are apparently some serious victims of abuse on this board, and that is very unfortunate. These victims can no longer see the difference between the two. Spanking is entirely different. I have zero bruises, emotional or otherwise, still love my parents, never committed a crime (besides stealing a PSP from Best Buy but was because I'm black, not because of the spankings), now have a $60k job at 26, and a masters degree. So spankings didn't ruin my life. The alternative to spanking is time outs. My parents put me in a time-out and I was begging to be spanked. Time outs last 15-30 minutes in a corner, which felt like forever, entertaining myself with dust particles in the air. I can't remember one time I was spanked, but I will always remember that fucking time-out, the stool I sat on, the pattern in the paint on the wall, which corner of the house it was, everything. Fucking terrible. It's like solitary confinement and there are tons of psychological research that shows that fucks with people way more than anything else. Spankings lasted 2 minutes and I went back to my room, shook it off, then booted up Sonic the Hedgehog or Golden Axe. My parents also had me cut our grass with scissors as a punishment. I requested to be spanked instead as pain is temporary, time you can't get back.
No, no you are not. I will say that the South Koreans could not give a quarter cup of fuck about it, however. The analysts that make the most sense are suggesting it's a lot of foot stomping to ensure consolidation of internal power. Kim Jong Un (the Unnest) is too young to cement himself as Dear Leader, so having a stare-down with the US will give him some street cred, so to speak. NK, however, will stop at nothing to get nuclear capabilities, because they see that as the only way their regime survives long-term. Their military is not as indoctrinated as you might think, as evidenced by defectors going into China. Also, their "dud rate" is really quite high, most estimates place it between 20 and 30 percent. If they attacked Seoul metro area (home to about 25 million), then most people would rush south or into shelters designed to house 20 million. I will say that I fail to see how a country like South Korea has existed tolerating Retarded Little Brother's threats for over 60 years, especially given their position in the UN. I can't imagine another country that wouldn't up-fuck a neighbor threatening them in this way, the Chinese be damned.
The Chinese are the only reason North Korea is still on the map, and even they are starting to back away with their hands up saying "seriously, you fuckers are getting to crazy for us to back up." The problem for South Korea was that if they attacked the north again, China would've gotten involved right away, and then the South would beg for UN/US support, and we'd be really hard pressed to give it to them. They had to wait for the North to do something crazy first, so the UN/US could justify support without China going apeshit. That time is rapidly approaching. That said, every analyst I've seen has said a few things. First, North Korea can't reach the US with their current capabilities. They could potentially reach US army bases in Japan, but otherwise they can't reach the mainland. Second, most view this as Kim Jong-Un puffing out his chest and creating a controversy and problem that he can easily solve, thereby solidifying himself as the new dear leader and earning him leadership points within the nation. That is why the rhetoric has been pumped up to 11 since Kim Jong-Il died; his kid really needs to establish himself. If people within the North start questioning their leader, shit will go bad for for Kim Jong-Un really fast, so he needs puff out his chest and go off the deep end a bit. All that said, I know there are people in the US and in South Korea hoping the North does something stupid that prompts a military response, because I'm pretty sure the US won't put troops on the ground; they'll just bomb the North into a smoldering crater in a raid that will make "Shock and Awe" in Iraq look like a seven year old spinning a sparkler.