I'm actually kinda hoping for a thread on this. I've been following it the best I can, and from what I can tell, shit isn't gonna de-escalate anytime soon. Their kid leader is insane, and he's backing himself into a corner here where either he follows through and bombs the shit outta someone (and then NATO bombs the shit outta them), or he backs down and then the military that has been supporting him goes "fucking pussy" and kicks him out.
Dude. I think you sometimes have a hard time understanding what a "joke" is. This is a humour-based website. Most of us originally gravitated to it because of a book we found in the humour section of a bookstore. Practically every post I have seen in this board or the RMMB has a "funny or die" mentality. The main theme: ridicule. We make fun of shit here, man! Peace love and shit. Do you expect me to believe you are rock-solid in your beliefs about the shit you're debating me with? I make a comment about Celiene Dion and Chad Kroeger that would barely qualify as "snide" and you act like I gave away the ending to a movie. I swear to Christ, if I started grating Stalin you would find a way to defend his honour... What's with the Brian Griffin routine? Did the "Guy Who Gets Laid Every Second Of Every Day" routine start to lose wind? But then again you got laid at a Maroon "5" concert (sorry). You're kind of like a unicorn with two horns: a straight black man who watches True Blood, Game of Thrones and goes to Maroon 5 concerts. Except you wouldn't be a unicorn, you'd be a Devil Horse. Don't be a devil horse man, it sucks. All the other unicorns make fun of your pointy tale and tell al the girl unicorns that you're "twice as horny" as all the other unicorns. One of the turned into the demon Darkness. Why do you think he hates unicorns so much? Anyway, I'm rambling. Look, my point is you're acting troll-ish lately. You can't blame, I'm a white man having a cranky mid-life crisis. Soon I'll be driving a Miata and being blackmailed into building a Xanadu for my no-talent mistress. Now let's stop this scrapping. You can have the final word if you want, but I have to share the True Blood forum in a couple months and it's not fair to have a domestic in more than one forum. And if you're not a Maroon 5 fan, why do you have their entire album on your phone? You DID say that. What you have is a case of Dave Matthews Syndrome, you poor boy. This is a new case in the medical field where the victim intentionally listens to music no straight man would possibly listen to as a means of getting close to women who like that sort of lovey-dovey dreck. He'll even go to extremes like going to their concerts or join an acapella group. Unless this gets it own thread, let's make peace soon 'cause it's getting tired.
You're obviously either selling yourself short, or not showing enough cleavage when patronizing the bodega.
Until then, for those who haven't seen it: The Vice Guide to North Korea One of their best videos, and the part where Shane Smith goes to the Arirang Games is completely insane.
That is one of the most mesmerizing things I've ever seen. But it does kind of drive the point home that all boobs are are two sacks of fat hanging from the chest.
Oh yeah, absolutely agree. You shouldn't have any reservations about posting pictures of your exposed fat sacks in the "Fat Sack" thread. Edit to add: I really like boobs - but how much do you have to like boobs, Kate Upton's boobs, to make a 10 hour video. Way to go, Internet. I am impressed.
I thought it was so amazing that she accepted that high school kids' invitation as his Prom Date. It may be for publicity but truthfully I heaven't heard much of it and think of the size of that's kids' smile when the front door opens that night. If he hits that, he will be the coolest high school kid on earth since that kid who was "raped" by Deborah Lefave. She IS only a year or two older than him. Actually, he already is the coolest kid. Happy fucking birthday.
Right next you'll be telling us the vagina is JUST a mucous membrane skin wallet with a plethora of symbiotic bacteria growth in it. Puuuhhleeeeze.
VAGINAS EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW I am not sleeping. I cannot sleep. Nobody in this house can, because we're too busy body-checking each other out of the way for the toilet because we have Martian Death Flu. My daughter threw up on her security blanket and cannot fathom that I have to wash it just because it's coated with curdled milk vomit. Somebody for the love of god sing me a lullabye. Spoiler I'll take it.
I just found this. This is a real article, written by a real breathing person, and somebody paid her money to write it. Jake Davidson Asking Out Kate Upton Isn't Cute. It's Creepy.
Does the writer have a point, or is she simply co-opting the language of the woman's rights movement in a disingenuous manner to grab attention for her column? I'm leaning towards the latter but it would be interesting to get the input of some women on here.
It looks like a kid making a stupid video, to me. I'm sure he sat in his desk chair like Dr. Claw while editing the video, satisfied about the way he had Kate Upton in a no-win situation of being subjugated in a male-dominated culture. The comments section was entertaining, though.
I can't sleep either. My daughter had a fever all day, and now can't sleep for more than 30 minutes at a time. The doctor thinks its viral, as her fever spiked at 102. She is also teething, we think. She is chewing everything and is nearly a year old and doesn't have any teeth yet. My working theory is that she is getting ALL THE TEETH in at once. Not just a LOT of her teeth, but ALL of them. Because after the crying jag we just heard, I can't imagine if this is only one damn tooth. Related note: I'm thinking the wife and I are only having one kid. I love my daughter to death, but the thought of going through all this again makes me want to hang myself. Now I just have to break it to my wife. I know she wants to wait a year and try for number 2, but I'd honestly rather slam my head in a car door than have another kid right now.
Men: heard 'em up, kill 'em all. Her profile on that sight is itself one sentence of awesome: Remember kids, for those that don't recognaize that name this is the clueless know-nothing cunt who said (and I'm fucking serious about this): "Anybody who defends the Duke laCrosse players is rape loving scum." Listen to this: ...that's journalism, kids. PROFESSIONAL journalism. Why is it the women who write shit like this always look like a guy in a wig? You are not a "journalist". You are a blogger. BLOGGER. Let's see.... that makes you qualified for.... absolutely nothing.