That picture really creeps me out. My husband and I spoke at length yesterday about meal options for today, being that we're not supposed to eat meat. He just came down with breakfast and was all proud of himself for having cooked. He made a shit ton of sausage, completely forgetting that we're not supposed to eat meat. Do you know how much it sucks to have delicious greasy sausage in front of you on your breakfast plate, when you're starving and can't eat meat?
Sitting through 5 1/2 straight hours of meetings, hungover as shit, is EXACTLY how I wanted to spend my Friday. Oh well, at least the Buckeyes pulled out another close one last night. Ooh look, time to end one meeting to go to another meeting about the meeting we just had. Fuck me running.
I have the day off and Mrs. Noland has school today so I'm home alone and I've finished the errands I was directed to run already and I honestly have no idea what to do with myself.
I have a hard time believing you'd stroll up to a table full of thick, juicy sausage and not want to dive right in.
Does anyone else get annoyed when they see pictures of white hippy Jesus? I don't care what your religious preference is, if you think that's what Jews looked like back then you're a fucking moron.
Wait, we're not supposed to eat meat? Shit. I just booked in a session for me and three of my teammates at a Brazilian all-you-can-eat Barbecue/Grill where they ply you with unlimited meat until your stomach ruptures like the guy in Se7en and you die (unless, you know, you're a pussy, in which case I suppose you could quit when you're full). I've gone to the gym, skipped lunch, and will be going for a run/swim later in preparation for this. Watch me eat you into bankruptcy, Brazilians. (I can't be the only one who takes all-you-can-eat as a personal affront, right?)
Its funny that a huge proportion of Christians in the US think Jesus looks like a handsome white guy. Thats right up there with thinking that earth is 3000 years old and the bible contains all scientific information and is completely inerrant.
Back in high school when I had long hair and a beard people started calling me Jesus because I pulled off a pretty good impression of his popular blue-eyed/brown hair/light-skinned depiction.
Speaking of delicious greasy sausage, I'm pretty sure my beating off before bed leads to nightmares and waking up in the middle of the night for no reason. If I don't beat off I sleep through the night. If I do, I have weird non-sexual dreams, and always seem to wake-up 10 minutes before my alarm. Anyone else have this happen?
Beating off before bed resulted in my waking up at 6 in the morning last week in the middle of an orgasm. Best. Wake-up. Ever. Church service this morning yielded no less than 8 wailers. 8 old women, none of whom looked like they had a full cup of liquid in their entire bodies, weeping like they were in competition with one another for Most Upset Parishioner. Ugh.
I never got the transition of starting with somebody having iron driven into their flesh being celebrated with bunnies and chocolate.
Why not just eat the meat? Do you think St. Peter is going to kick you out for eating meat on Friday? I've never understood why people give up awesome things now for something that may or may not exist in the future. It boggles my mind. Live life while you can people! It's too short not to enjoy it.
Clearly there is a heaven and if you eat meat on Fridays you won't get there. But thats just a Catholic thing. Some people genuinely believe in a heaven and a hell, to them its as concrete as anything else. I never knock anyone for having faith. I just don't have it myself.
Re: Re: Easter Drunk Thread Watch it, I have today off because of the bible thumpers, or is it the easter bunny? I love government work.
Heck, I *wish* had faith. I'm jealous of people that do. The concept of death scares the shit out of me, for one thing.
Yes. I don't know if there's a heaven or hell. I DO know that this life is real. Do you know what actually happens when you die? Flora and fauna feed on you, just like they once provided for you (why its unselfish to be buried). That's the real balance of life, and I am not going to waste any of my family or my own life kneeling, reciting things and bothering strangers on their porch.